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It’s shorter than normal this week, as an actress might have said to a bishop. And that’s because it’s been moved for the football, as the bishop might have replied. This means there’s only three episodes to report in this week’s Corrie update, so it’s going to be short and sweet, for which the bishop can’t really be blamed.

Elsewhere this week, poor Simon gets caught shop-lifting in Dev’s shops after he’s sent to the shop on a dare by the nasty-but-great-to-watch Grace. She’s got Faye wrapped around her little finger and now tries the same with Simon who’s in the dog house with everyone after trying to nick from the shop. Tina’s taken on as Simon’s baby-sitter while he’s being passed between pillar and post from Nick and Leanne to Peter and Carla, but oh dearie me, it won’t take long before Peter decides he’d like a bit of sitting on the naughty step with his son’s babysitter, too.
Talking about Tina, she’s had enough of damaged David living in her flat when Tommy dumps her by text. Desperate David’s already feckless and friendless and now homeless too.
Todd starts work at Streetcars in a job he clearly feels is well beneath his fancy London ways and he treats his new job with the contempt he feels it deserves. It doesn’t go down well with Lloyd, who’s taken Todd on out of loyalty to Eileen. Lloyd teaches Todd the business end of the job on the switch and the phone while Eileen outlines cab office biscuit tin etiquette: “Never eat the last one. Never!” which is the first thing that Todd goes and does.
Down at Underworld, Carla can’t find the wedding dress of her dreams and is in a right strop until she hits on a plan. She asks Hayley to make it for her instead. Hayley agrees but Roy worries she’s taking on too big a task.
And that’s just about that for this week.
This week's writers were Debbie Oates (two episodes) and Martin Allen. Find out more about the Coronation Street writing team at
Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at
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