ROY BETRAYS HIS MORAL CODE Putting his own fears aside, Roy encourages a scared Hayley to attend Jane’s funeral. At the wake, Roy finds the tragic situation tougher than he’d ever imagined but after Jeff confides in Roy that he lied to Jane about his religious beliefs to keep her happy in her final days, the words resonate with Roy. When Hayley asks him for an answer, will Roy support Hayley’s decision to commit suicide or not?
PETER FACES THE PERILS OF MODERN PARENTING With an increasing workload, Peter encourages an apprehensive Simon to play with Grace and Faye but will malicious Grace take advantage of Simon?
KYLIE AND DAVID STRUGGLE TO MOVE ON Tina finds sponging David’s presence in the flat increasingly irritating. Tina tells david he has no chance of winning Kylie back unless he bucks up his ideas and finds a job.
ELSEWHERE Eileen hopes to persuade Steve to give a disheartened Todd a job.
ROY STRUGGLES UNDER THE WEIGHT OF HIS LIE Hayley’s flabbergasted when Roy says he will support her in her decision to end her life, but as Hayley happily reminisces about the past and starts to discuss what music she’d like to be played at the funeral, Roy’s sickened and leaves. Bumping in to Anna he confesses his lying to Hayley to keep her happy. How long before he breaks?
PETER’S JUGGLING TAKES ITS TOLL. After calming down an angry Dev, Peter explains that although it’s no excuse for stealing, Simon’s been through a lot recently. Leanne angrily accuses Peter of not paying enough attention to his son. Her words clearly hit a nerve. Carla suggests no nonsense Tina could help them out and look after Simon. Will Tina agree?
TINA’S FURIOUS AT DRUNKEN DAVID David blows Tina’s money on booze and drowns his sorrows in the Rovers. Tina’s furious and gets Sean to take him back to the flat.
ELSEWHERE Ungrateful Todd gets the job at streetcars and Owen becomes increasingly uncertain of Grace’s intentions.
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Looks like there will be tears before bedtime - not happy Jan
Tears, and aggro.
For someone leaving the street, Tina seems to be playing a very central part in many of the character's lives.
How many bet that Todd would get a job at Street Cars,as opposed to the Kebab shop or Factory?
Looking forwards to Roy and Hayley, and this was a storyline I dreaded watching.
Boy that Leanne is such a pill. Has she forgotten the time she was banging her fiancé's father, or when she was on the game, or when she torched her restaurant, or committed fraud with Janice, or was a druggie, on and on, or was having an affair with Nick while she was engaged to Peter? Somebody should throw her past in her face one day and take her down quite a few notches.
I love Leanne.
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