In order for the storyline to be fully developed, Charlie has agreed to stay on until early summer 2014 but has revealed that the producers will keep the door open for Marcus.
Speaking about the departure he had this to say: "I've had a fantastic time at Corrie but feel it's time for me to move on. I was only meant to return for three months and ended up staying for three years! The producers have been really supportive and are leaving the door open for Marcus which is great, and my exit will certainly be explosive."
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"explosive" exits aside, I'll really miss Marcus.
Does anyone have an exit that isn't "explosive?" I really like the character of Marcus, but they haven't been able to do much with him lately, so maybe it's best for him to go and then come back one day.
Its a shame as he is good actor and really likeable character. But he has been so under-utilised this year I don't blame him for quitting. It's hardly been worth him getting out of bed and coming to work. I think Emily Bishop has had more screen time. I wish the story liners would stop concentrating on the same few characters week after week. This show is supposed to be an ensemble piece. All of the actors need equal screen time, otherwise good actors like Charlie will leave.
Noooo!!! We just saw Todd come back here in Canada and when I saw Alex I liked him and thought him and Marcus would make more sense than Marcus and Maria. I like Charlie as Marcus and hope that after a bit of a break he'll come back.
seems to me that all of the great actors are leaving since "The Hat" took over. He's turning it into an other EE. Horrible. As much as everyone didn't like Phil Collinson, I have to admit that SB is even worse. Started off great, now really, really sad.
Did I read that right? Todd will also turn straight for Maria? While Marcus having the hots for her was a stretch ( and we loads of comments in here from gay men saying it is possible) , this just buggers belief. Is Maria the Pope's secret weapon against Canal Street?
Non explosive exits were explain in Windasses post - Len, Eddie, Ted had quiet exit.
I enjoy both Marcus and Charlie but it's no surprise that he's ready to move on to other things. He spends far more time off the screen than on it and likely has other offers and ideas on the go. He will be missed but I suppose some of the good has to go along with the bad...
Finally they should just kill him off and be done with it
Marcus is a non character. All he has ever done is stand around in the background trying to look caring. Not surprised Charlie Condou is going.
Crap. That's too bad. I really liked his character. One of the few stand up guys on the street. Sadly, he has been under used on screen.
Hopefully he will come back one day to bigger and better stories.
That's who kills Tina then!
Although I doubt he'd have the guts or reasons. Then again, stranger things have happened. He wouldn't be the first nice, normal person to turn into a murderer overnight.
Well, this will set the writers scrambling. I thought for sure he'd give it a go with Todd but - not to be. I can see why he's moving on. To pair him up with air head Maria to begin with was not believable IMO and now he's just relegated to being a prop. Whatever happened to Audrey staying with them. She was supposed to stay for awhile and the trio would get into all sorts of frivolity and then ... nothing. The storyline came to a crashing halt.
Now we'll have Maria whining and crying all over the salon I suppose.
There's something strange going on here. Leaving next year are: Peter, Marcus, Stella, Gloria, Hayley, Tina, Brian, question marks over Ken and Kevin. And if Peter goes, why would Carla stay? She'll be selling the factory. Perhaps it's a well-thought out plan to trim the cast and deliver decent storylines in equal shares. Still, it seems an awful lot in one go.
So! At least seven characters leaving, I feel a 'sensational disaster' coming on.
He will be back when the money runs out. Don't know why he is on the show he has no family or anyone to do with the show. They only put him with Marie because they had no use for him.
I've wondered for years why Maria was untouchable; I hope she's next to go I really do.
This fits in with another post on here. Marcus was he has to go!
But seriously....another actor gone to waste. We got over play by some while people like Marcus got put on the permanent back burner.
Shame, shame... I would rather keep him and sent Todd back to London. I could never understand the sympathy that character received. He got a young girl pregnant who was in love with him...made a pass at her brother...then had an affair with a man in their own bed! If that was done to our sister or friend we would want his gonads on a platter.
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