Greetings and welcome to the Coronation Street Weekly Update. And so without any further ado, here we go with this week's Coronation Street update. Find out why these weekly updates have been written for t'internet since 1995 - and you can sign up to receive them by email at:
This was the week when I fell back in love with Coronation Street. It’s had some top-class writing, warmth and humour and the smile firmly wiped off Tracy Barlow’s big fat face.
This was the week when I fell back in love with Coronation Street. It’s had some top-class writing, warmth and humour and the smile firmly wiped off Tracy Barlow’s big fat face.

Back on the Street, Rita and Norris leave the wedding and return to work at the Kabin. Emily comes in later and agrees with Rita that the wedding went well. “Oh, but only if the same could be said about the reception!” coos Aunty Em. “Why? What’s to do?” asks Rita. What’s to do, indeed.
But let’s backtrack a little. Becky had only gone and broken into the medical centre computer system, armed with Gail’s password after Gail joined forces with Becky when she found out that she was planning to bring down Tracy B. With Kylie feigning a faint on the waiting room floor of the medical centre, all attention switched to her lying there. Doctor Carter’s attention was distracted just long enough for Becky to get into his office, log in, download and print off Tracy’s records, proving that she’d miscarried the twins the day before she claimed Becky murdered them, pushing Tracy down the stairs.
And so, with cold, hard proof in her hand, Becky interrupted Steve’s wedding speech in the Rovers and presented him with the truth about his new bride. “Revenge is all the more sweeter now he’s chained to the cow,” Becky told sister Kylie before legging it to the airport with new bloke Danny and his little boy.
But before she left the cobbles, Becky hugged the Croppers and cried, then took a taxi to the airport to fly away to Barbados with Danny. Steve ran after her, of course, and tried to beg her back but she held her head high and walked through the gate to get on the plane. It was first class. Not only her seat on the plane, but the whole storyline and send-off for Becky. Who will call Roy ‘Royston’ now?
Elsewhere this week. Anna dumps Owen when she finds out he’s hit Faye. And there was a great scene with Owen and his daughters in Roy’s Rolls when he asks Izzy and Katy if he was such a bad dad. Their silence says it all before they give him a few home truths about his parenting skills.
Over at No. 11, Eileen’s desperate to keep Paul and offers herself up to be a carer for his wife Lesley when he’s left with no one to look after his wife. Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s is a specialist task and one that Eileen has no experience of. She does her best but Lesley smashes Eileen’s telly and it’s clear that she needs more care than Eileen is capable of, professional care. There was a slightly, I thought, disturbing scene when Eileen hugged Lesley to comfort her, and all the time you’re watching this thinking, Eileen’s only doing this ‘cos she’s desperate for a bloke. It’s an excellent storyline though. And the actress who’s playing Lesley should be commended for her portrayal of a dementia patient.
And that's just about that for this week. Remember, you can sign up to get these Corrie weekly updates by email at
This week's writers were Jonathan Harvey, Chris Fewtrell, Jayne Hollinson and Debbie Oates. Find out more about the Coronation Street writing team at
Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at
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