What did we all think about Becky McDonald's final scenes on Coronation Street? It was a slow burner - and real twist - when she didn't destroy their wedding. But oh, that taste of revenge when she let them get married so that Steve would "be chained to the cow". And then she picked her moment in the Rovers, quietly done and very well so, to reveal that Tracy's twins had been miscarried before she fell down the stairs at Becky's flat. And flying off to Barbados, first class, after crying real tears while hugging Roy and Hayley. A wonderful couple of episodes. What did you think?
The official Corrie website at itv.com have a Farewell Becky special. Have a look here.
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Monday, 23 January 2012
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Well, yes. I inexplicably found something in my eye as Becky hugged Roy and Hayley farewell. And what a great result for a brilliant character. Becky finding out that all the booze was free in 1st class and the delight in her voice were a quite delightful reference to the typical old Becky that we'd grown to love.
I thought it was a great exit to a great character. Seeing Tracy's world collapse was sheer joy!
So upsetting to see her leave :'( Kath Kelly brilliant actress!! Will miss Becky and corrie will be boring without her!! x Best wishes to the future..
Brilliant! Best scenes were with Steve outside the shop (7.30 ep) and then the lovely goodbye with our Hayles and our Royston. But where was lickle Maxie?
I was holding my breath all the way through the reception. A clever way to go. Surely her last lines about 'up in the stars' etc is a nod to an old film, but I can't think which one.
awesome. I totally stress-ate my way through half a bucket (which had been previously full) of maltesers. I feel a bit sick now, and upset, but it was absolutely worth it for every single episode since Friday.
I can't wait to see how the new 'McDonald' saga plays out! However, I think I'll pick something else to snack on *first*!
Top class all the way - Becky has gone from devil in blue jeans to flying out first class with someone who cares. It's something the Becky of yesteryear would never have thought would ever happen. Kudos.
As for Tracy? time for some contemplative reflection of her past lies and as Becky managed to finally unpick the last thread, it's all going to start falling apart for Tracy - lies within lies? yeah, but, how long before you spin yourself in your own web little spider? keep going!!!
Bring it OOONNN!
Who was the lil boy with becky n Danny? On the plane!
fabulous i had some seepage from the eye area !
Hmmm... I don't like 'red-herring' cheap twists (the first episode, Norris spoke for viewers too - what a let down at the wedding).
Was hoping the same writer from Friday would be allowed to finish this mini-plotline off, but a different writer tonight.
Best bit? Replayed the bit where Becky races back to hug Hayley and Roy, and it was still there, the emotion of that scene was still palpable and crossed the room in waves. The best scene of the two episodes.
Don't mistake what follows - I still enjoyed it, it was the best thing on telly tonight.
Duffest scene? Giving Becky lines like "we're heading for the stars", ruined the final exit for me.
So, yes, it was satisfying to see Tracy get her comeuppance, but... overall I'm not in awe of these two episodes as I was of last Friday's two-parter.
Still felt like something was missing, it could have been more powerful than it was. Don't think Becky's final Coup-de-grace Rover's scene was as powerfully delivered a scene as trailers had lead us to believe - but hey, it's only my opinion.
I Love Love Love! Becky! a Great episode but would have loved to have seen the Plane flying over Manchester into the Moonlight (A Bit of CGI) but other than that a BLOODY Amazing episode! and i will miss Becky as my dad said "it wont be the same with out her" - i was shocked when she didnt reveal it in the church but when she revealed her motive i was more than Happy! and over the moon when Becky revealed the truth about that Bitch Tracy!!!
After all the nasty things Steve said to her, I wish she'd have stopped the wedding. He deserved it as much as Tracy did after that! But the two episodes were great, a very good sendoff ! I always loved Becky from the time she hooked up with Roy and Hayley to the end.
Absolutely magnificent. Kat's performance was measured and powerful, baqlancing the hurt & simmering hatred with deep emotions that she only gave vent to in the toilet with Kiley and with that wonderful goodbye with Roy & Haley - the genuine chemistry which has always been the trio's strength was overwhelming and genuinely moving.
I also enjoyed the fact that Becky's finer feelings almost let Steve & Tracy off the hook a couple of times. Had Steve showed a hint of empathy, or had Tracy not been such a bloody cow, they'd have been spared the hell that is to engulf them.
(Also loved Gail's little hint to Tracy to let her know who she had to thank for Becky getting her hands on the records).
The last line, Humpty, seemed to be a reference (or typical Becky misquote) of Bette Davis in 'Now Voyager'; "Why wish for the moon; we have the stars?"
I loved it, but I wish Becky had said something along the lines of 'I win bitch' to Tracy, even though they both knew that Becky FINALLY won :)
Hurray for YouTube as this Canadian went from cheering at the Rover's scene to having a lump in my throat at Becky's sad goodbye with Kylie Hayley and Roy - brilliant scenes! Loved the opportunity Gail had to stick it to Tracy and the fact Norris missed it all LOL!
At least another wedding wasnt wrecked and Amy upset which she would have been if that had happened. Why no goodbyes from Amy and Maxhay, whom Becky was supposed to have adored? She stood out like a store thumb in first class - lob us the bottle love! I think the farewell scenes coudl have been a bit more powerful,Steve's face pulling seemed at the airport seemed contrived. All the best Becks keep off the snakebites and punching people in the five star hotel!
It's nice when Corrie plots have a twist that you don't see coming from weeks away, and by allowing the wedding to go ahead, it's left Steve and Tracy tied to each other (even if in reality Steve could easily have the marriage annulled).
Personally I hope Becky stays happy in Barbados and NEVER comes back, as I am delighted to see the back of her.
At least we've gained Michelle Collins and Chris Fountain to maintain the high levels of acting ability and in-depth characterisation we've enjoyed with Kat Kelly!
Oh God help us!
Becky made sure the kids were out of the way before her bombshell and i don't think she could have said goodbye to Max again or Amy. It was hard enough to say goodbye to Roy and Hayley.
It's just been annouced that Becky's leaving episode scored the single biggest Corrie ratings in nearly a year at 11.5 million viewers!
That was wise of becky to wait until Steve was already married. Because then it'd be his rude awakening and it being his own fault for being "born yesterday"
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