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Wednesday 18 January 2012

Was Owen right to smack Faye?

Hundreds of complaints have been received about Owen slapping Faye on Coronation Street. Or so say the tabloids although ITV officially report only one complaint received so far.

But what do you think? Should he have hit the kid?  Should Anna dump him?

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Layman Battler said...

I might complain too... he didn't do it nearly hard enough...

Tvor said...

He was not right to hit her. But it's totally in his character to do it. They're *fish* for heavens' sake, Owen, get a grip! Yes Anna should dump him. It's not his child, he's not even living there full time or married to her. He should have left discipline up to Anna.

Anonymous said...

That brat needs some heavy-duty discipline. Owen just happened to smack her ass. Maybe it's not his place to do so ... but someone had to do it and Anna is too easily blinded by that little sneak.
~JB in Canada

Defrost Indoors said...

*Someone* had to stand up to the ugly hateful thing because heaven knows Anna won't. Only problem is I can see FayE using it for further manipulation.

rozzibee said...

Faye is a hateful child and she's had it coming for a while. If Anna wasn't so soft on her, it might not have come to it.

And yes, they may be "just fish", but do you have any idea how much fish for a pond cost, and it's not ok to kill them just because she's jealous! That's psycho behaviour!!

Anonymous said...

Fish are living creatures to you know? And who knows what the next step will be, especially if she gets let off with it. No wonder there is alot of trouble going on in Britiain, no real punishment! And if someone hurt my animals or killed them, I would of done more than a bloody slap on the back of the legs. And Faye needs a good reminder about whose house she is living in.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it isn't his place to hit someone else's child, he should have informed Anna of what happened and then request she disciplines Faye accordingly.

ChiaGwen said...

So what if they are 'just fish'....they meant something to Owen!I agree Faye has been let off the hook too many times for outrageous behavior and don't condone violence as punishment but I can relate to Owen's anger and snap decision to lash out - I'm sure he regrets it. Sorry, but I did give a little cheer when it happened.....

Wackford Squeers said...

Faye is troubled rather than bad and is possessive of Anna because she has probably been let down so many times in care. Eddie suddenly disappeared and Owen came into Anna’s life very quickly. He is not her stepfather and does not even live there, he had no right or jurisdiction to hit someone smaller than he is, and how old is she about 11? It had not even been proved, she just smirked. Owen is a bully; he seems to have taken over Anna’s house. Of course the comments will be rife from the “I got smacked around the ‘ed when I woz a kid and it didn’t do me no harm” brigade but its never acceptable to use violence or where do you draw the line? Aggression breeds aggression.

Adam Rekitt said...

Owen was not right to hit her. She's not his child for a start.

Of course she should be punished, but she is a child for goodness sake. Owen is hardly a good example. Audrey has done nothing to Owen, yet he shut down her business. Has everyone forgotten how he treated Eileen? Or his threats to his daughters' boyfriends? And Faye is the psycho?

Faye has had a difficult life and it's been made clear that she is consequently insecure and afraid that Anna will abandon her. Clearly what she needs are some really good beatings. That's the way she is going to learn to trust adults.

Anonymous said...

I don't like but Faye, but also cannot stand Owen. Who does he think he is just waltzing in to the house and taking control of Anna and Faye. Yes i know he owns the house, but that doesn't give him the right to discipline Faye, she is not his child.

I have to say though, the actress who plays Faye is brilliant.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Layman Battler - Owen let her off far too lightly

John McE said...

Er... He may not be the parent, but he was left in charge of her, so he was her guardian, even if for just one night. Is it right to smack a child, no, but in this case it is clearly understandable why he did it, and as I understand it, not against the law.

Anonymous said...

Oh hell yeah, let's not punish the little witch. Let's ignore her killing someone's fish and just wait until she grows up and becomes another murdering Tracey.

Geez, she damaged/destroyed someone else's property. That warrants consequences. Does bad behaviour go unpunished these days?
~JB in Canada

Anonymous said...

The evil murdering little cow. A spank clearly isn't enough for her, she deserves to be thrashed to within an inch of her life and then beaten senseless again. In fact why not go the whole hog and kill her. That'll learn her, she'll not do it again.

I despair with some people, I really do. She's a child, from a very troubled background, violence is NOT the answer. Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Owens days are numbered.

Anonymous said...

Oh, gimme a break! "Troubled background"? If I recall, the couple of times they went to visit her, wasn't she living with a foster family in a reallllly spiffy house?? It's not like she was stuck in some horrible orphanage.

No matter how nice everyone has been, she's been a snotty little bitch right from the get-go; and all the kindness displayed to her hasn't done a thing for her.

Flimsy excuse ... "ohhhh, I had such a miserable childhood, so I had no choice but to become what I am".

Dubcek said...

Anonymous said....
Does bad behaviour go unpunished these days?
Judging by the sentences handed down for GBH recently I would guess that the answer is yes.
In Faye's case not punishing her will only lead her to think that she can do anything she wants with no repercussions much like Tracy.

Anonymous said...

Another Tracy in the making? OMG, I hope not!

Dilly Daydream said...

Faye is an ugly, evil little bitch. The fact that she's a child doesn't come into it, she knows exactly what she's doing.

That's the problem with society these days, it's too soft on wrong-doers. Youngsters have no respect for anyone or anything.

And I still think she looks like Matt Lucas in a wig.

Anonymous said...

I agree, people seem not to feel the need to be accountable for their actions and that certainly includes kids.
People who harm other other living creatures are capable of harming vulnerable humans.
Faye needs attention, the right kind, and as much as most of want to see Faye disciplined, I don't think Owen, who has problems with violent behaviour himself, is the one to do this.
He'll be out the door with Anna when she finds out, and hopefully Anna will find the time to get Faye the help she needs.
I sure don't want to watch this child carrying on the way she has been.

Anonymous said...

Wackford Squeers said...
"Faye is troubled rather than bad..."

Yeah, I suffered years of bullying at school from other kids who the teachers described as "troubled". Didn't stop the little buggers attacking me though and it certainly didn't stop some of them being shut up in Strangeways when they reached their adult years and committed their first GBH.

Tvor said...

Troubled background.. yes she was in a nice foster home when we met her. Why was she there? Her mother was a drug addict and the kid witnessed all that. She's made references to it, too when she first came and then she had to be told her mother died of an overdose as well. She's clearly had no discipline in her life and it's an uphill battle but Anna needs to be firm. Not violent, but firm and she can't have a partner around who's going to lose his temper and smack her. If Anna doesn't get to grips with her, though, she will end up like Tracy.

Anonymous said...

It does matter that Faye is a child, because she is played by a 10 year old actress, who is not "ugly" nor does she look like "Matt Lucas in a wig". Ellie Leach is not fat and let's hope that she does not see such hateful comments.

It's supremely ironic that the person who wrote this claims "youngsters have no respect for anyone or anything". The Daily Mail Brigade obviously do not own mirrors.

Humpty Dumpty said...

Anna is partly at fault here, too. She evidently believes love conquers everything. It doesn't. She tries to please everyone and fails. By now, she should have demanded some post-adoption support from social services. Was it offered and she refused? Not sure about that. She is also a bit naive in thinking that Faye could slot into family life and easily adapt to a change in routine. I don't think the character is 'ugly' but she's not meant to be loveable. Lots of kids go through a hostile phase and parents have to deal with that. It's good that a soap is showing that some children can drive you round the bend.

ano said...

yes,he was right to smack her. If someone had done this years ago perhaps she would be a nicer more respectful person.
I also wish Owen would give ratboy david a good kicking! he is well overdue! Pity Maria caught Charlie teaching the little shit a lesson!

Anonymous said...

Hey, JB in Canada, what have you got against witches? You know that's discriminatory.

Get a grip,it's NEVER right to harm a child.

Anonymous said...

Several of you really need to get some counselling and deal with your own backgrounds and your poor excuses for parents, as you actually believe a CHILD deserves to be BEATEN. Hello, that's not DISCIPLINE.

Oh, my parents beat the crap out of me and I deserved it? Continue deluding yourselves.

I hope to God you people don't have children yourselves.


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