Strangely enough for a long time I had championed Peter and Carla’s relationship and I always wanted to see them getting together. But since their affair started I’ve realised just how right Leanne is for Peter and how much I value their relationship. It’s not often that we are treated to a family such as Peter, Leanne and Simon on the cobbles, who aside from being a great family unit continue to engage the audience with interesting storylines and those fun breakfast scenes in the flat are always episode hilights for me.
For example, although I liked Lloyd, Cheryl and Russ as a family they were incredibly dull to watch. The same can be said for Ashley, Claire and the boys. They were a nice family to have on the show but as far as being interesting the most excitement we had out of them during their last couple of years on the show was Claire's rooftop panic and then her exit.
That’s something that can’t be said for the Barlow’s. Peter and Leanne make a great team and Simon adds a bucket load of comic relief. But most importantly they are usually always supported by a decent storyline with Peter’s alcoholism being the standout. And while it’s not a boring storyline by any means, the current Carla and Peter affair is not playing out in the fashion that I’d imagined all those months ago when Carla confessed to loving Peter.
Maybe I just don’t like affair storylines or maybe I just don’t want to see one of my favourite Corrie families being split up. I don’t know, but what I do know is that Peter and Carla do not make a good couple. They’ve both got their own issues and in a way those issues are what have brought them together but I don’t see Carla as the love of Peter’s life. And I’m really not happy seeing the Barlow’s going though another affair storyline. I'd love for this affair to be quitely swept away under the carpet as soon as possible, but somehow I don't think that's going to happen - especially after reading next week's spoilers. And it's a shame that they are going down this route with the Barlow's because I'd much rather see Peter and Leanne trying to have a baby and bringining their fmaily closer togehter and not tearing it appart by another affiar.
What does everyone else think? I know a lot of people like Peter and Carla together but the Barlow’s have become one of the most beloved family units on the street so I can imagine that there’s a fair few people who feel the same.
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Never wanted Peter and Carla together. I don't think the affair is particularly smoky and sexy, and I don't think Carla is the love of Peter's life, either. She's lust, pure lust. He's got the BArlow genes and that's about the size of it.
I completely see where your coming from. However, for a while I've felt Peter & Leanne's relationship/ marriage wasn't healthy. As lovely as it is to have a family unit like them, I think there a big holes in their relationship and just don't feel they are as suited as people think.
Carla & Peter are both very damaged characters. I am torn about them, I love them together, think they have incredible chemistry and think their affair has a lot more to it than most, due to the long build up of their relationship, bond and alcoholism. On the other hand I do worry for them, there will be difficulties along the way, and I fear that Carla will be heartbroken.. again.
Maybe she wouldn't get heartbroken if she'd stop stealing other women's men. She's a bitch.
~JB in Canada
Sorry, but I completely disagree. I think Peter & Carla make an excellent couple. They're both incredibly flawed people which could prove to be a dangerous combination, but I love how they continually support each other and I for one think it could work. And if all that existed between them was lust, Peter would have jumped into bed with her months ago. It's obvious that he loves her and the feeling is mutual. I sincerely hope the writers give "Carter" a chance. The onscreen chemistry between Ali & Chris is undeniable!
round and round we go..the sharks are circling
I'm sorry but....Carla and Peter are both addicts and it's the thrill of the chase and then the thrill of sneaking around that does it for them. I'm sure they'd both get bored soon enough with day to day life together and then start with the wandering eye.....and so it goes on.
Leanne's no saint but she doesn't deserve this. I've always liked her and Peter together when Carla's not been throwing herself at him.
Carla & Peter together make me cringe....so glad I have the fast forward button.
Sadly, the affair is a staple of soaps so if you balk at it, you're watching the wrong show luv. I figure soaps try to pair the most bizarre couples to give some sort of interesting storyline - I personally find the Peter/Carla business boring as well.
I used to adore the young Barlow family unit and always enjoyed their little domestic scenes. However I feel their relationship was ruined the moment Leanne jumped into bed with Nick and their problems seem to have continued to grow since.
I was sceptical about a potential Peter and Carla relationship but I do believe over time we have watched them both fall deeply in love with one another. A refreshing change from the 'Molvin' saga we were forced to endure.
Corrie is a soap, so needless to say the relationship will never last, least of all as they are both deeply damaged characters. But I have to admit I'm looking forward to the fireworks their relationship will inevitably provide and there is much more scope for future storylines with Carla as the wicked stepmother to poor Simon. The little lad will no doubt give her hell!
Now Katherine Kelly has left Ali, Chris and Jane far outshine most of the other actors on the street and whatever the future hold for the three of them, this Corrie fan is thourally looking forward to it!
Peter and Carla have absolutely no chemistry. She wants him because he belongs to someone else and that's what she does and he like his dad just cannot keep it in his trousers. I used to like Peter but now I just find him a skank, let his friend down on his wedding day becaus he was thinking with the thing in his pants again and is an accomplished liar. I wish he would stop chain smoking as well, he looks dirty grubby and smelly, and it beggars belief that someone like Carla would go for a randy little gnome like him. If they finally get together property, I give it weeks.
Frankly, this story line bores me rigid. They're both good actors, but this is all tedious beyond belief.
I agree that Carla wants what she can't have and Peter truly is Ken's son. When two people that are so damaged and have so many problems such as in this case, alcoholism, get together, they justify it by saying they understand each other. But i've seen it in real life, two people wiht huge problems. Understanding doesn't help. It drags them both down.
Yes, affairs are the staple of soaps. This isn't as bad as Molvin, but Carpet won't go the distance either.
I like them together but it won't work out, as we all know.
Two people with a drink problem living together? The relationship works now because they are in their own little world. As soon as they step outside the bubble, the real world will present them with problems and they'll resort to drink. The rows will start, and the affair will fizzle out. Personally, I don't feel any chemistry between Peter and Carla and that's not because I'm on Team Leanne; Carla has always left me completely cold.
After a heavy night on the vodka, I can't really see Carla ironing a clean shirt for Simon the next morning and worrying about his packed lunch.
I just fast forward through the Carpet scenes, because they are so dull. I'm not interested in Leanne's reaction or that of any of the other Barlows either. They should all be used to adultery by now. And no doubt St Stell will be centre stage, bland and boring. Yuk.
If Dr Matt discovered a personality, he would be a much more interesting partner. CarMat would both be at home in wine bars and salubrious surroundings, they are in the same league looks wise and Dr Matt trying and maybe failing to help her drink problem has much more scope.
I love the Peter and Carla storyline, admittedly, I wish the writers hadn't turned this into an affair but I much prefer the two of them than Leanne and Peter. I can't stand her and who cares about their sodding family unit. They are boring together and have no chemistry. I'm sick and tired of people making Leanne out to be a saint-not too long ago she was shagging people for money, she had an affair with Nick and we mustn't forget that she had an affair with Danny Baldwin. I wish she would crawl under a rock and disappear. Just because Simon thinks she's his mum it doesn't mean that Peter should stay with her. If Peter ends up with Leanne I will defo stop watching corrie.
Love Love Love Peter and Carla (Carter). Wish all those haters would stop being so damn negative about her.
I am somewhat afraid to admit this, but I hate the story. I do like Peter and Carla.. just not together. Like Carla best when she's clomping around the factory in her finest designer gear, putting the machinists in their place with a perfect quip.. not mooning after Peter Barlow! It seems to be a total retread of the Carla and Liam story (albeit with better actors in the other 2 sides of the triangle), which I also disliked. And it seems to be a retread of the same things I am reading on fan boards.. Maria/Leanne is a slag anyway who doesn't deserve Liam/Peter.. !
Lazy storywriting...for some of the best actors in Corrie right now.
Rebecca in TO
This is one of the best love stories ever on Corrie. I love watching them they are so sweet together it's enough to make your heart melt. If I had my way episode would solely focus on them.
Leanne is boring to look at and boring to watch. Infact she should go back to her day (or I should say night) job. I can't fathom to understand why Peter would ever marry a a prossie!
I hope the writers don't end up trashing the relationship between Carla and Peter. (It's reported that it will end badly-that is utter nonesence if it does) It's so refreshing watching those two gorgeous people together.
I think the relationship between Leanne and Peter should have lasted rather than another predictable affair. Peter is truly his father's son.
I think the relationship between Carla and Peter is an accident waiting to happen, and surely we could do with a few more good relationships in the Street rather than all the broken marriages.
Talking of marriages what is it with the remarrying the old spouse thing in the Street? It's not something that happens often in real life. I'm 46 and I only know of one couple who have done this.
I think a lot of people like to gloss over the cracks in Peter and Leanne's relationship and pretend they were a good, stable, family. The reality is, they never were. Leanne's affair with Nick cast a shadow over their whole marriage and they haven't really moved on from it. At the same time, Peter has never been able to give up Carla either. Carla's been a big figure in his life for close to 18 months now. A split was always on the cards as far as I'm concerned. Personally, I'd like to see Carla and Peter making a go of it now that they're together as a couple.
Hear hear! can the writers let carla and Peter's relationship last a good while. People like to think that Peter and Leanne had this perfect marriage and relationship if they did Peter would not have been so drawn towards Carla. I for one hope that Leanne moves on and finds someone else. I honestly don't think i can be bothered to watch the programme as I have done if they put him back with Leanne. Surely the producers have to realise that they have had good ratings because Peter and Carla are more interesting to watch than Peter and bleedin Leanne.
OH LA LA! I'll gladly be Peter's lover Carla and Him are so HOT! together! and add the fact thar Peter is SO FREAKING! HOT! and so FREAKING! SEXY! He does this thing when He's smoking a fag that drives Me crazy, I really! hope Him and Carla will come back after their vacations, oh yeah Leanne is bugging Me She isn't even Simon's Mom, I hope none of this will drive Peter back to the bottle I know He is strong and can resist it...
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