Cheating chef Robert is simultaneously spinning two plates; reigniting his romance with Michelle, whilst playing keen Dad to Vicky's growing bump. As Michelle caters for the youth awards, (of which Vicky's son Tyler is a nominee), can Robert keep his two favourite dishes apart?
Jenny has grand designs on changing The Rovers Return and decides to unleash a questionnaire to the regulars. Disregarding Tracy's idea to ditch Emma from the bar staff, Jenny suddenly decides to turn the upstairs room into a B and B. Ed promises to visit her later for an estimate.
Meanwhile, Kate is meeting up for a drink with her old flame/friend, Imogen.
Seb continues his stake-out on the dodgy nail bar and questions Jan about Alina and her dire living arrangements. Paying them another visit, Seb then threatens the nail bar owner with that he knows. Later, and after a chat with Jan, Rachel makes a call to an associate, it looks like there could be trouble for love struck Sebastian.
Out on the street, Abi announces to Kev and Tim that she has landed a job with a rival garage.
Visiting Vicky, Robert does the doting father-to-be act, and successfully persuades her to not attend the hotel awards event. Later, Michelle and the catering team realise that Ray has increased guest numbers (again) causing Alya to into blind panic. In amongst the rush, Robert fails to notice Tyler arriving with Vicky.
At No. 1 Claudia tells Ken that she's got nowhere to live now her house sale has gone through,. Realising that Ken's place is awash with clutter, can she persuade Ken to tidy up in his kimono, Marie Kondo style? Retrieving a box of Deirdre's glasses, Claudia picks the wrong time to try a pair on, just as Tracy walks in!
Kate confides in Imogen about missing Rana, and Imogen decides to invite Kate on a £3K travelling expedition, but she's skint. Seeking cash from Johnny, Kate realises that Jenny is also keen to spend Johnny's cash by renovating The Rovers!
Abi tells Tim that she's settling into the new garage, but admits to Eileen that she's actually got the sack, after injuring her new boss.
Back at the awards ceremony, Robert panics as Vicky seems to be sipping prosecco, and finally persuades her to leave. With subtle manhandling and a friendly embrace, it looks like he's managed to hide Vicky from Michelle's gaze, only to bump into his ex (and Vicky's one-time nemesis), Tracy Barlow!
It looks like Robert has smashed those plates he was spinning!
Be back here later for my 8.30 episode review, to find out what happens next!
You can follow me @rybazoxo over on twitter, your self-styled 'Cobbles Connoisseur'.

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Even if Deirdre, and subsequently Ken, had kept decades-worth of her specs, wouldn't they be in individual cases rather then loose in a cardboard box??
Watching the classic corrie, I wouldn't think Tracy would care about Deirdre's specs. She's a right nasty little cow.
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