BETHANY CAN’T ESCAPE HER PAST Bethany is shocked when a family arrive for dinner at the Bistro and she recognises the dad as a man from Nathan’s parties. She confides in Daniel but asks him to say nothing.
GEOFF SHOWS HIS TRUE COLOURS Yasmeen is horrified to discover that Geoff has set up security cameras all over the house for her safety. When she says she doesn’t want them Geoff accuses her of not considering his feelings and says it is over between them.
STEVE IS ON THE HUNT FOR DNA When Sinead finds out that Emma’s Dad died of cancer, it hits her hard and Daniel’s concerned for her. Steve takes Emma for lunch in the bistro. Pretending she’s got something in her hair, he yanks out a tuft. While Emma heads to the loo, Steve places the tuft of hair in a plastic bag.
ELSEWHERE Aggie returns home and to her amusement, finds Ed has glued himself to the wall. When Cerberus pulls at Michael’s shopping bag, the contents spill out on the pavement to reveal a pile of pregnancy testing kits. Evelyn’s intrigued.
GEOFF KEEPS YASMEEN CLOSE TO HIS HEART Geoff dismantles the cameras and packs his bag to go and stay at Tim’s telling Yasmeen she is not good for his mental health. He tells Tim that behind closed doors Yasmeen is a nightmare and undermines him at every opportunity. As Tim heads off we see Geoff open his laptop and start watching Yasmeen on a camera he has left hidden on the bookshelf.
DANIEL OVERSTEPS THE MARK FOR BETHANY As the family leave the Bistro rowing over what has been said Craig is knocked down by the angry wife as she puts her car in reverse. Bethany is devastated that once more Craig has been caught up in her past.
MICHAEL REALISES THE EXTENT OF EDISON’S PROBLEMS When Aggie’s card is refused in the corner shop she tackles Ed suspecting he’s up to his old tricks. Ed assures her it’s nothing more than a cash flow problem, but it’s clear he’s worried. Ed admits to Michael he’s in a financial hole and £5k would sort it out.
ELSEWHERE Steve confides in Liz that he’s sent off a tuft of Emma’s hair for DNA testing.
Glenda Young
Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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