Angie's double life caught up with her, as her boss Hanif found some of her designs for Mike and realised she was doing two jobs. He went over to Coronation Street to check out the competition and ended up having a drink with Baldwin in the Rovers chatting about the rag trade. He also had a good old flirt with Denise. The bad news continued for the Duckworths, as Jack lost all his cash in a card game and Vera got a summons for driving without insurance. In her usual tactful way she tried to persuade Emily to pretend she'd had another breakdown to get them both off; Emily understandably told her where to go. A solution presented itself when Jack offered Doug their spare room for fifty quid a week. Liz and Jim were excited about the idea of running a pub, and Mr Willmore seemed amenable to the idea too. Derek, the world's most boring secret agent, presented Mrs Jeffers with his dossier on Harry Potts' dodgy behaviour. He immediately felt guilty when Potts told him he wouldn't be working there any more - only to learn Harry had got a promotion and was off to be a caretaker at the college.
TUESDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 23rd and 26th April 1993
Andy had to say goodbye to his girlfriend Amy as he was going back to Uni. He was surprised to discover she had a son, and immediately backed off; she told him if he didn't want her child as well as her he could get lost. Denise was besieged by male attention. Hanif continued to charm her with his suave ways and awful early 90s ponytail, leaving Neil simmering with jealousy on the other side of the Rovers. Meanwhile Don swapped a taxi trip for a free haircut and ended up bonding with Denise over their shared disabilities. The McDonalds announced their plans to run a pub, leaving Jack bitter because he thought he should've been offered a pub. He persuaded Vera that they should apply and contacted Mr Willmore for an interview.
WEDNESDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 28th and 30th April 1993
Today's episodes included one of the most infamous scenes in the show's history as Reg finally persuaded Maureen to join him in his waterbed. Their afternoon delight was ruined when Derek tried to fix a strip light in the Kabin stock room and ended up sticking his drill right into the bed, causing water to stream down below. Derek and Mavis rushed up to stop the water and caught Reg and Maureen at it. There was a lot of hysterical shouting, a lot of semi-nudity, and Maureen fled, humiliated. Audrey felt trapped by life in the retail trade, hemmed in by the four walls of the corner shop. It was rammed home to her when one of Alf's mates keeled over with a heart attack on the shop floor. She informed Alfie he'd have to sell up so they could enjoy their retirement together. The Duckworths went for an interview at Newton & Ridley but were told they had no chance: they were too old, they had a baby to look after, and Mr Willmore didn't want Terry and his GBH conviction hanging over them.
THURSDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 3rd and 5th May 1993
Doug acquired a rustbucket of a caravan and offered it to Jack and Vera instead of rent. They wanted the cash though so chucked him out, and he was forced to live out of it. Unfortunately he'd left his clothes at number 9 so he wandered into the Rovers in his pants. Bet and Rita came back from their holiday in Tenerifey, a pair of right old ravers laden down with duty free and souvenirs. Bet was upset to learn Liz and Jim were going off to run their own pub. She was even more upset to learn from Harry Potts that Rosamund Street was going to be widened, demolishing the Rovers. Rita, meanwhile, was shocked to see the devastation in the Kabin, but when she heard the story behind it she fell about laughing. Meanwhile, the men of the Rovers hummed the Dambusters theme at Reg. Percy proposed marriage to Olive, but she only saw him as a friend, so he pretended he was joking.
FRIDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 7th and 10th May 1993
Neil the Hot Builder spent most of these two episodes glowering at Denise and Hanif's burgeoning relationship. He looked utterly adorable the whole time, though the fact that he was hurting Angie in the process is a little off-putting. Only a little. Denise told him to get lost, but she still asked Hanif if Neil's accusations about him sleeping with his employees were true. He assured her he didn't mix business with pleasure. Alf asked Audrey to keep their retirement plans quiet, so she immediately told Deirdre, Gail and Rita. The cat was properly out of the bag when a For Sale sign went up at the shop. Liz and Jim started their pub training under Stella Rigby. They were surprised to see Harry Potts at the White Swan. Doug dumped his camper van outside the Wiltons' house, taking the wheels off so it couldn't be moved. Derek was distinctly unamused. And Maureen quit her job at Bettabuys, leaving Reg distraught. Good.
In a way, @merseytart is glad the waterbed episode is out the way. It can only get better from here.
Classic Corrie is on ITV3 weekdays from 14:50 with a repeat the following morning from 6am.

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This week's episodes had some very funny and warm scenes but the waterbed was not one of them! I found Reg okay, funny even,in small doses, but making him a permanent character didn't really work for me.
When Percy told Emily about proposing to Olive, and insisting that she must be putting on a brave face at the thought of him moving on!!! I also loved Mavis's line about Doug's pants not being in mint condition!
Lovely scene with Alf and Audrey at the seaside. Any idea where they were?
Alf and Audrey were at Lytham.
Thank you :)
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