Reg compèred the Rovers quiz night with Mr Willmore from the brewery in attendance. The confusing rules foxed everyone and it culminated in both teams screaming at one another and the whole thing collapsing. Doug returned to the Street with a bushel of explanations. He told Kevin that he was hiding from debt collectors after his business in the south failed. He also met up with Deirdre and impressed her by whisking her off to a pub in Cheshire in his Jag. It was Lisa's birthday, and she was sad because Terry didn't remember. She put on a brave face but an evening with Jack and Vera rowing pushed her over the edge and she stormed out. In the Rovers, she bumped into Des, who took her out for a Chinese. She confessed that she wasn't sure if Terry even loved her. Curly tried to win over Kimberley with his giant telescope but she was unimpressed by its six inch reflector and left him to play with it on his own.
TUESDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 20th and 23rd November 1992
Derek reached the end of his tether and tried to hand in his resignation. The headmistress, however, revealed that she wanted to get rid of Harry Potts but his Council contacts meant it was difficult to do, so she asked Derek to stay on and gather evidence to sack him. Kimberley was disgusted at how much Curly had spent on the loft and on the telescope and gave him an ultimatum: the wonders of space or a lifetime of misery with her. Personally I'd have rammed the telescope down her throat so I wouldn't have to hear any more of her whining. Vera went to see Terry to tell him he'd missed Lisa's birthday, which he didn't really care about, but in the process she let slip about her getting close to Des Barnes. That caught his attention. The bailiffs took Doug's Jag, and Mike tried to sack him for bringing trouble to the business, until Kev pointed out that a man in such dire financial straits would work for peanuts.
WEDNESDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 25th and 27th November 1992
History was made as Tracy started the career she still "enjoys" today. No, not raving psychopath, floristry, as she got a job as a Saturday girl in Maggie Redman's shop. Lisa got a huge bouquet, supposedly from Terry but actually from Vera. She realised who they were really from when she visited him in prison. Terry's real gift was black eyes for Des as a group of men in his employ beat him up. Mr Willmore gave Bet a couple of months to prove herself as Rovers manager. Gail stayed late at the cafe to defrost the freezers, but Carmel didn't pass on her message, acting as the perfect home maker with Martin in her absence. She also cut the Platt's wedding photo in half because she's gone full nutjob after only a fortnight of living in number 8. Frankly I'm surprised it took her that long. With the telescope still coming between them Kimberley ended their engagement and left the show. I'm not entirely sure why they brought her back because she did nothing but whine for three months. Mike did a deal with Angie to make t-shirts from her designs and she negotiated a percentage rather than a one-off fee because she's brilliant.
THURSDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 30th November and 2nd December 1992
Des, with his battered face, went to see Lisa. He told her he'd been warned off her by some thugs. At first she couldn't believe Terry would be behind it, but the more she thought about it - and when Vera admitted mentioning Des's name at the prison - the more she realised life as a Duckworth was going to be a series of terrible events. She packed up Tommy and went back to Blackpool, leaving Jack and Vera heartbroken on the doorstep. Carmel revealed she had a boyfriend back in Ireland, Michael, who she'd probably give up nursing for and settle down with. Feminist Icon Gail Platt told her that was ridiculous and she should make a life for herself, not sacrifice it for a man, using her marriage to Brian Tilsley as an example of suffering with a caveman. Carmel paid no attention, and instead slinked around Martin and dropped hints to Sally that the Platt marriage was suffering. Steve failed his driving test, but because his job was dependent on driving, he lied and told everyone he'd passed. Bet's new idea for the pub was a Happy Hour, with drinks 2 for 1. Liz was sure it'd turn their quiet backstreet pub into a vomit-splattered youth hangout.
FRIDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 4th and 7th December 1992
New character alert! Denise Osbourne arrived in the Street, flirting with Alf and nagging Neil The Hot Builder to get her salon up and running. Neil was a bit distracted because he was busy snogging Angie. Deirdre picked up Tracy from the florists and got a shock when she recognised Maggie. She asked Tracy if Maggie and Ken were serious and, when she accused her mum of being jealous, Deirdre revealed Mike was Mark's real dad. Tracy thought Ken had a right to know that Mark was spawn of Baldwin. Carmel went back to Ireland to dump her boyfriend Michael, but when she talked to Sally about it, she kept calling him Martin by mistake. She realised Carmel had a crush on him. Meanwhile the Platts enjoyed a weekend to themselves. Percy tried to get the job of Father Christmas at Bettabuy but Curly had come up with a plan to embrace 1992 and European integration and they were having a Mother Christmas instead. Percy was outraged because he is totally Brexit and he went off to KrazyKuts to be their Santa instead. Des suggested Phyllis for the job.
Next week on Classic Corrie it's Christmas in July. Join me in being incredibly unseasonal on Twitter @merseytart.
Classic Corrie is on ITV3 weekdays at 14:50 with a repeat the following morning from 6am.

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1 comment:
It was hard work listening to Kimberley screeching at Curly. Good riddance I say.
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