Much of the Monday episode took place at the same hotel where Steve and Tracy recently married as we joined the celebrations of the North West Regional hairdressers at a modest three star hotel just off the ring road ((c) David Platt). Audrey received a lifetime award and Claudia received the flowers (above) - at high speed, obviously no experience as a bridesmaid as she ought to have caught them! Audrey pulled off the "Slightly Drunk but Totally Know What I Am Saying" award recipient to a "T". Someone should give her a real award! And to balance the record Audrey is really nice about Maria - wishing her well for the future.
As I predicted somewhere Steve and Tracy sign Amy's (Adam) contract without reading it. Within seconds they are exchanging their usual loving courtly respectful insults, in front of Amy who brings them up short and threatens to divorce them. Finally they read what they signed (above).
Has anyone told Leanne and Tracy that they are almost wearing the same top (they need to be more careful as Steve might get confused)? During this episode Nick assured Audrey that all was well, advised Carla that he would tell Elsa and Leanne about each other, told Leanne that he had a few one night stands after he left Weatherfield and confirmed to Elsa that there was no-one else replacing her. If Nick opens his mouth he is telling more porky pies than Jude manages in a month. He cannot keep it up surely?
Talking of fashion I stand by my view that Maria looks fabulous in just about anything, but the reason that such a fuss is being made of this dress is that it is being auctioned for Anxiety UK - so good luck to all involved.
The two episodes on Monday were full of excellent stuff and if I could embed them both here I would. I only record the lighter moments and the Abi story was also there - so just a quick shout out to Sally Carman who is pulling an absolute blinder at the moment. The Street can have huge highs and lows and all in two episodes. It drives our love of the Street.
I had no idea what Roy was talking about either when he mentioned Milk Thistle so I looked it up. There seems no definitive proof of it being beneficial. Roy has spotted that Rita and Maria may have a touch of "flu", in response to Rita's question (above) he played a straight bat and said that it was only observable by a trained eye!
During Monday's awards dinner Emma was impressed with Ken's hair. Daniel is of course proud of the mop he has inherited and demonstrates several possible presentations to amuse Sinead, including the Sartre version seen above.
This comes (with approval) from the @itvcorrie twitter account showing Norris's Angels - Maria, Audrey and Rita, all armed and deadly which they were discussing in the Rovers.
So a little later the two lovers once again agree to be completely honest with each other for it to work in the future and Nick has to get a divorce; then Nick reveals that he separated from Elsa as recently as last week! I cannot convey the tone of Leanne's voice as she spat "Last week?!" back at him. The venom contained in those two words if converted to a snake bite would probably fell the entire Coronation Street cast and crew! And it made me laugh because we all knew it was coming.
I did have a smidgin of sympathy for Carla this week. She is trying to run a business and meanwhile Nick, Leanne and Elsa are deciding to unravel everything in the Underworld office. It must be quite distracting to work there.
Extras at Work
As it is clearly hair week in Weatherfield and as this individual has already appeared above twice, so he gets the vote for attending the hairdressing do on Monday evening!
By the way although she physically departed a while ago credits still show Kate Oates as being responsible.
Writers: Damon Alexis-Rochefort (Monday), Jan McVerry & Carmel Morgan (Wednesday), Ella Greenhill (Friday)
Directors: Nic Phillips (Monday), John Anderson (Wednesday & Friday)

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License
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