It's the day of Sally's trial. Posh Paula is pretty pissed off with her client and says she needs to pass on Sally's delaying tactics to the court. Bet Paula thought this case was going to help her on her way to becoming a QC and instead she's got herself a stroppy girlfriend and the whole Webster-Metcalfe clan interfering with her legal efforts. The CCTV footage evidence has arrived, but backfires a little as the prosecution use it to point out that just as Sally couldn't remember until recently that she was at the hospital rather than having a dirty week-night with Duncan, then it's quite reasonable to assume that Duncan could have misremembered the date. So the punch in the chops was all for nowt! At least Abi got some anger out of her system.
I'm enjoying this story more as it goes on; it seemed to be yet one more case of gullible woman fooled by a manipulative man and another Free The Weatherfield One campaign, but now seems more about self-sabotage. Fifth columnist Gina takes the stand and tells the court that Sally has a lovely husband, nice home, kids (one of whom hasn't bothered to turn up to court) and she knows that she would never nick money. But when it comes to whether or not she would cheat on Tim, Gina can't say for certain that her sister didn't have a secret bunk-up with dastardly Duncan and the prosecution use this to reveal that Sally had two affairs when married to Kevin. When the jury come back Sally is found guilty on all three charges. The Mayor's going down! Back home, Sophie tells Tim to kick Gina out, but he refuses to do so. So much for forgiveness and cheek-turning, Soph! Gina starts watering the seeds of distrust in Tim's mind, telling him what a good liar Sally is, and he lets her anguished call from prison go to voicemail. It's like Cain and Abel, only with sisters. In Salford.
Mary has taken advantage of Black Friday deals and got "Find Jude" t-shirts printed up. She's also got her cyber-buddy Bethany on the case of her DMs and finds a message from someone who claims to work with Jude (although given Jude's proclivities, it's probably him pretending to be his own colleague). Hurrah for inter-generational relationships! Now if only I can get a tame millennial to explain unicorns on toast to me. But the police turn up and say they've found a body matching Jude's description. However, it's not him but Angie's card is declined in the shop, which just means Jude's cleared out the bank account. Angie pretty much admits that she wishes it had been her husband in the canal. Harsh but fair, Ange, harsh but fair.
Brian turns up late to a meeting he didn't know about and gets told by Deputy Tory Phil that he has to stay behind and catch up. He doesn't get lines though, not even lines in his play as Cathy nixes the idea of robot shepherds. I like the idea of nativity with a twist though. The twist is...that Joseph is Jesus's biological dad? That Mary gives birth in a hospital? That Jesus is actually....Jessie? Brian is on the non-branded pro-plus to keep up.
Meanwhile, Rita slips outside the pub and is taken in by the Connors for an upcoming comedy storyline (I presume). Princess Kate finds out that IVF will cost £3500 and starts tapping up her dad for the cash. After hearing Rita go off on a biological essentialism trip ("giving birth is what humans are made for"), Johnny agrees to stump up the money. Maybe if Kate didn't get her way every single time, she wouldn't steamroll ahead over everyone else as she pursues her goal. Also in the Rovers, Liz sends a text just as Johnny receives one and Jenny goes into overdrive and starts looking through Liz's phone but finds nowt from her hubby.
Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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OK, I hold my hands up. I'm fed up with the Sally storyline, and will wait for it to develop into something else. So I missed tonight's episodes and am not encouraged by these reviews to catch up. Just a question then if people don't mind. This hotel receipt which was supposed to prove Sally and Duncan were there, did it have any date on it which could be checked by the defence?
I agree Humpty, I don't feel that bad for Sally because you know she'll be out before long. The whole hotel thing was so far fetched. It was supposed to have been her birthday and she had visited Jack in hospital when Duncan said she was with him. Surely that would have been part of the investigation and her alibi would have been sorted months ago.
This plot line is still nowhere near as bad as the Brian and deputy head one.
I just detest Gina. I want her gone.
This Sally story line beggars belief and is beyond irritating. Sally and Tim were great together - their relationship wasn't stale, this negative drama was not needed.
I didn't like her anyway, but now they also ruined Gina's character, and for what? Yet another infidelity story line? It's not even original - Natalie's sister Deb did the same thing to her.
Gina's a nasty cow, and for once I'm on Sophie's side. Tim should have chucked her out, or at least given her notice to leave. The pair of them are under Sally's roof, for Pete's sake!
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