Tim and Sally's marriage woes are continuing to be played out in Court.
Dodgy Duncan's dastardly lies are causing doubt for her husband but Paula's evidence may turn the case around. If Sally can prove where she was on her Birthday, they may have evidence to blow Duncan's defence apart and free the (second) Weatherfield one!.
Gemma remains unconvinced that Chesney didn't call the police and still pours a pint over his head, before heading to meet Spike at the Cop Shop. Although released without charge, Gemma still thinks Chesney tipped them off.
Bottling his feelings for Gemma maybe, Emma decides to give Chesney a bottle too; of spray tan! (cue hilarious jibes from Jenny Bradley).
However, it seems Spike isn't as green as he is cabbage looking, when he informs Gemma that Chesney obviously didn't grass him up. No, he did that himself, and he tells the barmaid it's blatantly obvious that Chesney fancies her, like really fancies her!. Spike exits via the beer garden - and the couple split up. Gemma apologises but Chesney remains unforgiving and departs with Emma. The course of true love.. and all that?.
Ryan and Bethany are also at The Rovers and decide to start their first date again. Skint and downhearted, Bethany decides she needs a second job, and in true Corrie style, Ryan knows of a job going; at The Bistro!. Will Bethany stall the 'Brothers Grimm's constant bickering?.
Brian also treats The Rovers to his theatrical Nativity plans, however, Phil remains unimpressed with the Tolkien mash-up (not the only one to be honest).
Round at Kevin's, young Jack realises that Sally visited him in the hospital on her Birthday. This should contradict Duncan's story of flowers and hotels BUT it may take time to retrieve the Hospital CCTV, as evidence. Unlikely that another adjournment can take place, it would need Sally to fall ill, or something like that, to hold off the court case for a few days. So Sophie calls Sally and decides on a plan. Will Sally also play dirty, or will the plan backfire?.
Roll on Friday - I cant wait to find out.
Anyway, that's me for another week.
I hope you've enjoyed this Wednesday's episode?.
You can find me on twitter @rybazoxo - your self-styled 'Cobbles Connoisseur'.
Join me next time, for more Wednesday Weatherfield Wisdom!.

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Thanks Ryan. I think Chesney and Emma are a much better match than him and Gemma.
Did anyone else wonder why the issue of what Sally did on her birthday hadn't been addressed before? Or any other times when Duncan said that she was with him. Am I being too picky?!
Excuse me, but where is part 1?
About half a dozen posts back.
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