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This week we saw Sally in jail suffering at the hands of lying, cheating Duncan. And how does Sally get her retaliation? By lying and cheating too. It’s all Sophie’s fault, she suggests to Sally that she has to make herself ill in jail in order to get the trial adjourned so that CCTV from the hospital to prove that she was visiting Jack on the same day Duncan said Sally was in a hotel room with him. But it all goes terribly wrong. Abi gets put into the same cell as Sally and Sally tells her she’s trying to make herself ill. Abi does it for her, and whacks her around the chops. Sally ends up battered and bruised and in hospital where she lies through her teeth to Tim and Gina about what’s happened. Gina finds out from Sophie what’s really happened and can’t believe Sally has lied to Tim. She rings Duncan and demands to know the “truth” about what happened between Duncan and Sally. Duncan spins Gina a line which she’s only too keen to swallow. Will she testify against her own sister in court?
At the salon, Maria is back working and David is acting up, not wanting to accept that Maria’s now his boss. To get her own back, Maria kidnaps David the dog and holds him ransom until David the person starts giving her some respect.
Gemma’s fella Spike gets arrested and carted away leaving Gemma bereft and making eyes at Chesney. But he and Emma are now getting on fine and Gemma knows she has to find love elsewhere. I’ve been loving this love triangle between these three. A smashing line from writer Chris Fewtrell this week when Gemma said that Spike had a tattoo of Bill Oddie on his inner thigh. “He wanted a tattoo of Blondie but he was drunk and he slurred”.
Over at the Bistro, Bethany is now working as a waitress along with Michelle’s sons Ali and Ryan too. The two brothers have a bust-up and Robert wants a baby. Michelle is at her wits end.
At Bessie Street School, the horrible Headmaster bullies Brian into providing a showstopper Nativity play so that it’ll reflect well on himself. Cathy worries that Brian’s putting too much pressure on himself as the horrible Head takes advantage of Brian’s good nature.
Fiz and Tyrone have problems this week when little Hope acts up and bites a teacher at school. Evelyn doesn’t help at home when she belittles Hope and praises Ruby. Fiz is expelled from school and Brian pleads for help from the Headmaster, but Hope is referred to a specialist unit and Fiz is not best pleased.
And finally this week, Carla has a word with Elsa and tells her there’s way she can divorce Nick and really screw him for cash. Elsa is keen to know more and Carla lets on that she could invest her cash in Underworld and the two of them can run the place together. An interesting idea indeed!
And that’s just about that for this week.
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This week’s writers were Cameron McAllister x2 (Monday); Ian Kershaw x 2 (Wednesday); Chris Fewtrell x 2 (Friday). Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at Coronation Street Blog: Exclusive: All Current Corrie writers online
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