SALLY TAKES ONE ON THE CHIN Sally is surprised to find her new cellmate is Abi. She explains to Abi that she needs to try and get her case adjourned but she can’t bring herself to make herself sick so Abi comes up with a plan. As everyone arrives at the court they discover that Sally is in hospital. Paula is horrified when Sophie admits she told her mum to pretend to be ill. Gina is horrified at her sister’s duplicity.
BRIAN’S AT THE SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS Brian is exhausted after working all night on the play only to discover that there was no real urgency at all. Fiz and Tyrone complain to Brian that hope has been excluded for biting a teacher. Brian wishes he could help but his hands are tied. Cathy is concerned about the pressure Phil is putting Brian under.
WILL GEMMA GET IN THE WAY OF ‘CHEMMA’ Gemma tells Chesney she made a mistake and is truly sorry and asks him out for lunch. It is clear they get on well and Emma feels slightly uneasy as she joins them. She asks Gemma if she has feelings for Chesney.
ELSEWHERE Having heard nothing from Jude for weeks, Mary’s worried and suggests to Angie
they should report him missing to the police. Angie’s not keen. To Angie’s annoyance, a police officer calls at the solicitors’ office and quizzes her about Jude. Angie insists that Mary’s fussing over nothing and he’s simply run away.
GINA MAKES A BIG CALL Tim and Gina are incredulous at the lengths that Sally has gone to to stop the case. Gina decides to meet Duncan to quiz him some more. He spins her a pack of lies about how he fell in love and they had a torrid affair but she was just using him. Gina believes every word he says. Back at home Gina surprises Tim and Sophie by saying she will be a character witness for Sally. What is she up to?
BRIAN LEARNS A HARD LESSON AT SCHOOL Brian realises that Phil’s exclusion of Hope is all Part of his drive to become Headmaster. Cathy urges him to stand up to Phil. Brian tells him that Fiz and Tyrone are going to go to the press. He’s pleased when Phil says he will review his decision but things don’t go quite as planned when he says that he is sending Hope to a pupil referral unit to be assessed as he has no time for disruptive children.
ELSEWHERE Mary’s dismayed when Angie reveals that she filled the police in on Jude’s duplicitous background, worried they won’t take his disappearance seriously.
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