The familiar strains of the Coronation Street theme tune changed last night to something awful. It was something terrible, the likes of which I've never heard before. It's as if a kid was playing it on a Bontempi organ. Gone was the brass, in came the piano. Now if only if had been a kid with a Bontempi organ, I'd have been happier than finding out the real reason for the change.
Of course it's not just Coronation Street's theme tune that was changed. It's most of ITV's flagship shows. Speaking of which, we're having to put up with the countdown to "I'm a Celebrity" in a corner of the screen every time Corrie comes on. We get it, ITV, we get it. You like to cross-promote.
Anyway, back to that dreadful theme tune.
It's to promote the new John Lewis Christmas ad and it's played by Elton John.
The only thing that can save this absolute horror of a tune for this fan is if I find out that John Lewis is donating some money to charity. I'm not an Elton fan. I'm not going anywhere John Lewis after this travesty of a theme tune. And I'm very disappointed in ITV for messing with our Corrie.
You might like to rid your ears of this monstrous piano tune by listening to some of the alternative arrangements of the Coronation Street theme tune instead.
See also: Christmas gifts for Coronation Street fans
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ITV no longer respect the show.
We're talking about one night and people are reacting like this is sacrilege.
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