GINA WOBBLES ON THE STAND Sally nervously prepares for her trial. Paula isn’t happy about her antics with Abi and warns her she may have to tell the prosecution. Sally takes the stand and protests her innocence telling the judge and jury that she never had an affair, never stole any money and loves her husband dearly. The time comes for Gina to take the witness stand will she come through for Sally?
MARY FACES THE WORST NEWS Mary is encouraged when a man called Darren contacts the Find Jude campaign and says he saw Jude in Withington.
BRIAN FEELS THE PRESSURE Cathy is concerned as Phil continues to pile the pressure on Brian who has stayed up all night working on the play and causing him to miss a staff meeting. Phil orders him to work late to make up for it and questions whether he has what it takes to be a teacher after all.
ELSEWHERE Kate and Rana are shocked to discover the first round of IVF will cost £3500. Rita slips and twists her ankle outside the Rovers where Jenny was mopping the flags. Rita asks Cathy to look after the Kabin and moves into the Rovers to recover.
SALLY’S FATE LIES IN THE HANDS OF THE JURY The prosecution sum up their case describing Sally as morally corrupt and indisputably guilty. Paula does her best to show that Sally was innocently taken in by Duncan’s devious lies. Who will the jury believe?
MARY IS BANKING ON JUDE BEING ALIVE Angie and Mary attend the mortuary to ID the body. that she wishes she had a child of her own it starts Johnny thinking. He tells Kate and Rana he will pay for their IUI treatment. Kate is thrilled but is Rana?
ELSEWHERE With Johnny as the compère, the pub quiz takes place. Brian’s put out when he’s pipped at the post by Roy’s team. Having clocked Johnny and Liz exchanging a warm smile, Jenny’s immediately suspicious and surreptitiously scrolls through Liz’s phone looking for incriminating texts between them, but finds nothing.
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We have been here enough times with innocent women being set up and sent to prison, that really there's no tension in Sally's storyline. I imagine Sally will be in prison over Christmas while the story goes down the route of family dynamics with Gina falling in love with Tim. Might be an interesting storyline but will probably see Gina's eventual exit.
Just a thought...did Sally have a mastectomy at the time of her breast cancer? If so, maybe they should question Duncan about when they were in bed together (according to him). If he doesn't know, it could prove it never happened.
PS I despise Gina for even thinking of Tim in that way.
I love Tim and Sally together...and am very disappointed at the way the writters are splitting them up.
Having her sister make plays for Tim and he doubting Sally ...just does not go down well. They had a very strong marriage and partnership despite their differences. And btw...their differences made them more relatable and believable.
I hope Tim smartens up really quick...and please writters do not let Tim and Gina have sex
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