Welcome to Wednesday's edition of the Coronation Street Blog and the first of last nights two episode reviews.
Tim's ties to Gina continue to rock his relationship with wife Sally. As her trial against Duncan heads to the courtroom, Tim is nowhere to be seen.
Arrested again (and for drink driving no less), being Gina's saviour means Tim absence is duly noted, but luckily, he is freed by Weatherfield cops & just in the nick of time. Sophie also apologises to the pompous QC she offended, who unluckily, is in charge of Sally's trial.
Arriving later than planned, Gina and Tim crash into the court, just as Duncan takes to the stand.
Over on Coronation Street, Emma takes Chesney for a run around the Red Rec whilst Gemma fawns over the newly blossoming relationship. No fawning for Chesney though, as the local Pizza shop is broken into, and he suspects Gemma's dodgy partner Spike. Suddenly offering the barmaid a Blackpool break with a wad of cash, it appears Chesney may be correct. At The Rovers, the police arrest Spike and Gemma suspects that Chesney has called them.
Back in court, Dodgy Duncan denies all criminality and sticks to his nefarious lie of Sally seducing him for fraudulent gains.
Taking the stand, Paula offers a counter-argument (the truth), yet a confident Duncan quivers not once. As Sally's husband subtly observes the fraudsters opening defence statement, Duncan attacks Tim's character (spouting Sally's supposed verbatim) which causes the fraught cabbie to weight up the caustic comments.
Sally breaks under the pressure of the lies and shouts out in anger, causing an early adjournment of court.
In the holding cell, Tim visits Sally and sheepishly informs her of his arrest. Fuming Sally is enraged and Tim breaks under the strain of the afternoons opening drama.
Its seems Tim's rescue of Gina, may be the beginning of the end, for this once promising marriage?.
In other news; Brian gets asked to produce the school nativity and Maria takes charge again at Audrey's Salon.
Keep your eyes peeled for my 8.30pm review, coming to the blog later today.
I am @rybazoxo your self-styled 'Cobbles Connoisseur'.

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Really really fed up with Gemma now and also Gina. I wish they would write both these characters out.
Emma is a much better match for Chesney. She's bubbly rather than volatile, and would blossom with Chesney there to protect her.
I seriously mute every scene Gemma appears in.... why do we have this character in the show that gives nothing. I do suffer from misophobia so cannot watch 90 % of her scenes anyway. C’mon Coro. Please send her to charm school, or falls down a drain pipe , never to be seen again. Sorry , cruel,,,
I agree, I used to quite like Gemma but she is so irritating now. I thought Rita would have taught her some manners and I can't believe that Jenny would employ someone who dresses as she does and is gobby and rude to the customers.
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