There is a lot of history between Carla and Alya, isn’t there?
Alya was Carla’s trainee assistant manager so she saw potential in Alya and Alya looked up to Carla. But for a long time Alya was against Carla because she thought that Carla had killed her dad and by the time Alya had found out that hadn’t happened, she had already tried to mess things up in the factory. Everything went back on track a little bit after that but it was never quite the same.
What does the factory mean to Alya?
When Carla left, Alya took an instrumental role in the factory and worked her way back up. The factory was robbed and everyone was out of a job but Alya played a big part in rallying the troops so she has put a lot of time, effort, blood, sweat and tears into it. She feels at home there, it means alot to Alya.
How has Aidan’s death affected Alya?
Alya has had such a difficult year losing Luke and Aidan’s death could be another trigger that sends her back to that dark place but to keep Aidan’s memory alive, Alya and Carla have to push on and keep the factory running which is what Alya, at this stage, is trying to do.
What is Carla and Alya’s relationship like now?Alya is trying to keep the vision alive that she and Aidan have created in Carla’s absence so she has a very strong, unique idea about where this factory is heading but Carla keeps undermining her which is really unfair. There is a lot of friction there because Alya doesn’t believe in what Carla is doing and she doesn’t think it’s what Aidan would have wanted.
Why does Alya think there is friction between her and Carla?Alya thinks it’s because she’s fresh and she has all the good, current ideas whereas Carla left but is now trying to prove that she is still boss. As far as Alya is concerned, Carla doesn’t like the fact that Alya has built herself back up and resents that.
What happens when Alya secures an order but Carla points out that they haven’t got the material?
Aidan and Alya were a partnership and the fact that Alya messes up with this new order is because she is trying so hard to keep on top of things but she doesn’t have Aidan there to consult her so some things are going to slip through the net. She has got so much going on in her head it would have been an easy mistake to make.
What’s Alya’s thoughts when she storms out and tells Carla she can stick her job?It goes from nought to one hundred. Carla makes really personal digs which feels like a massive blow to Alya because it’s rude, nasty and mean. Alya snaps because all she is trying to do is the right thing by everyone but Carla has just given her a massive slap in the face. This has built up in Alya over the last few months where people are constantly thinking that she is an easy target so Alya is out to prove that she is not a pushover.
Is Alya at breaking point?
Carla and Alya both are, they are both grieving. Alya has been at the brink of breaking point so many times and she is trying to keep it together but they have pulled each other a little bit too far this time.
What are Alya’s first thoughts when she hears that Aidan has left the factory to her?
It’s complete disbelief and shock but actually, when she thinks about it, it does make sense because Aidan knew how much Alya believes in the factory. Money-aside, talking about dreams, ambitions and hopes for the future, they shared the same vision so in that respect it does make sense for Aidan to give Alya the factory to carry that legacy on for him.
Do you think that Alya can run the factory successfully without Carla?
I absolutely, one hundred percent think that Alya can run the factory without Carla but she needs help and support around her, people that believe in her like her family and the factory workers because they are the cogs in the machine that keep everything running.
What are the factory scenes like to film?
They are always really good fun to film because there is quite a few of us filming and it’s usually always comedy scenes so most of the time you are just laughing.
What advice would you give Alya?
Stay strong, stay focused, believe in what you are doing and as long as you have the support of your family, you can do this.
What’s it like working with Ali King now Carla and Alya are head-to-head?
She’s great and it’s really interesting to explore this new-found relationship because when Alya first started she was young, naive and didn’t know the business world very well… but now Carla Connor has met her match!
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