It's been announced that Ryan Connor will be returning to Coronation Street. This time he'll be played by ex-Emmerdale actor Ryan Prescott.
Ryan Connor, you'l remember, is Michelle's son that she thought was her own. But it turned out she picked him up in hospital by mistake and took the wrong baby home. Her biological son is Alex Neeson, doctor Ali as we know him now.
The first Ryan Connor was played by Ben Thompson between 2006-2010. He arrived on the Street with mum Michelle, and his uncles Liam and Paul.
And then Sol Heras took over the role of Ryan Connor from 2012-2013.
So let's see how the new Ryan plays out. It could be interesting having both of Michelle's sons on the Street at the same time, that's for sure!

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Nah, couldn't care less. I'm sorry but Michelle is always on and I am so tired of her. Please new producer put her on the backburner...she's clearly been producers pet with K.Oates
Totally agree. Really can't be bothered about Michelle and her sons.
One word...Why?
The indifference about her sons is a combination of inane switched at birth plot and the forgetting of it for years and new actors playing the part of Ryan. If the producers don't care to make it credible, why should I bother to care about any of them?
Michelle is all 'me, me, me' and her sons are just morose whingers.
well the new guy can't be any worse an actor than the other two рieces of wood :)
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