It’s fair to say that life on our favourite cobbled street hasn’t been the happiest in the past few months. In fact, since October virtually everyone on the street seems to have been affected by some kind of drama or another - even before the tragic events of this week. The show in general and the viewers have needed a bit of a morale boost.
Enter Speed Daal waitress Kayla Westbrook.
Ever since she first graced our screens she seems to have a permanent smile on her face, which is no mean feat when her boss is the permanently miserable Zeedan. Her generally sunny attitude has been a much needed breath of fresh air. As well as being bubbly she is also a bit cheeky, like when she asked for a pay rise after Speed Daal’s first day of opening!
Her line in Monday’s episode where she described her mum’s condition as ‘OCDisco’ could easily have been offensive (it certainly seemed to rub Bethany up the wrong way) but you could tell that there was no malice intended - and that is thanks to the spot on delivery from Mollie Winnard, who in just a few episodes has already proven herself to be a great addition to the cast.
Given that we know she will ‘cause trouble for Bethany and Craig’ I’ll be interested to see how things play out with Kayla, especially given what we now know about her family. There is also the fact that her place of work will soon be under new management with Zeedan’s impending departure.
Even during her first episode many viewers were taking to social media to say how much they love Kayla already, who they think her love interest should be (and it isn’t Craig) and how she reminds them of Michelle Keegan- high praise indeed. I for one hope that Mollie intends to stick around long term and we see a lot more of the bubbly waitress.
See also: Why Corrie's new girl Kayla is not all she seems
By Matt Johnson who is on Twitter @unitedkanamixer and blogs here.
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I think Kayla and Emma could become a good combination - both warm and friendly but I fear that certainly the former, given the rumours, may not be around for the long term.
Both have made initial good high impact contributions - can it be maintained?
I liked her in the first episode she was in, she was cheerful and switched on. But in the last episode I really went off her, she seemed far too cheeky and gobby.
She reminds me of Maddy more than Tina. But yes, I liked her straightaway. And Emma & her court shoes too!
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