MICHELLE SHARES HER SECRET Michelle reveals the contents of Aidan’s will to the Connor women.
YASMEEN URGES ZEEDAN TO MOVE ON When Rana offers to work a shift at Speed Dhal, Zeedan’s pleased whilst Yasmeen worries that he’s getting his hopes up. When Yasmeen suggests to Zeedan that it’s time he got over Rana and found a new girlfriend, Zeedan points out that she’s still married to Sharif. Yasmeen calls in the solicitors’ office and sets the wheels in motion for a divorce.
ALI’S THERE FOR MICHELLE Michelle reveals she’s cancelled the wedding as it wouldn’t be right so soon after Aidan’s death. But when Ali suggests that perhaps a small family wedding is what they all need and offers to help organise it, Robert reckons it’s a good idea.
ELSEWHERE Rita orders Tyrone to move his wind man as it keeps banging on her window. On Imran’s advice David pleads guilty at his court hearing. Urged on by Billy, Summer reveals her idea for an initiative called ‘Speak & Save’ to encourage young men to talk about mental health. Jenny and Carla are impressed and offer their support. Adam tells Flora she’s welcome to stay as long as she likes.
Wednesday 16th May
JOHNNY FINALLY CRACKS Spotting Johnny needs a shoulder to cry on Liz invites him into the back room. Johnny breaks down telling Liz how Jenny’s getting on his nerves and he hates himself for failing his own son. Liz holds him comfortingly in her arms. Back at home when Jenny brings up Summer’s campaign and suggests he needs to see a doctor Johnny loses it and hurls his glass at the wall. As their row escalates Jenny accuses him of wallowing in grief and Johnny storms out. Meanwhile Jenny, Carla and Michelle consult Adam over Aidan’s will.
ZEEDAN SEES AN OPENING When Zeedan clocks Kate crying in Sophie’s arms he notes their intimacy with interest. Meanwhile Geoff arranges a date with Yasmeen.
ALI AND ROBERT JOIN FORCES Robert reveals he’s been talking to Ali and they feel the wedding should go ahead but a smaller more intimate version. How will Michelle react?
ELSEWHERE Sinead tells Beth that once they’ve got rid of Flora she intends to move in with Daniel. However having done her homework, and deciding Sinead played fast and loose with Daniel’s affections, Flora tells Sinead she’s got the measure of her and won’t be moving out any time soon!
Shona steals Josh’s CV from the garage and tracks down his previous employers hoping to dig some dirt on him. When a former colleague reveals how Josh was sacked, Shona’s intrigued.
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As much as I like Jenny and Johnny, I always thought that Johnny and Liz were the ones that made the most sense.
Too bad the Ali/Carla storyline was dropped. I hope new producer Iain MacLeod won't be afraid to try new things.
I agree with Corn Flake that Johnny and Liz work much better together, but I really like Jenny now and don't want to see her heart broken.
I like Johnny and Jenny together instead of Liz and Johnny as it would be too weird seeing Liz date her ex daughter-in law's uncle[or is it cousin?].
My sympathies are with Jenny,she's really trying her best to support Johnny despite her own grief and in return gets treated like dirt by her husband and his family.
Now if the writer use Aidan's suicide to justify an affair for Liz and Johnny,then they cheapened a very tragic issue.
Jenny's beginning to understand the wisdom of: 'Careful What You Wish For'. At first, she was a bit of an adventuress, thrilled to have won the boss's heart but then truly falling in love with him. Johnny only had to put up with Rita for a few weeks. Poor Jenny's got the whole Connor tribe to contend with and possibly, in her isolation, she'll turn to someone else. As for Liz, she would have been great as Phelan's other half and we might have actually felt sorry for her. Is there anyone who feels sorry for Eileen? If Johnny and Liz get together, cue more screaming from Michelle.
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