I love this! Remember when Eileen and Phelan were in Whitehaven Harbour some months ago? Coronation Street were filming there for the scenes when Phelan went off the pier and was thought to be drowned at sea.
Well, Phelan came back to life, but Eileen's picnic bag sank to the murky depths.
That is, until a Whitehaven fisherman Will Tillotson found it. Will thought the bag would have been washed out to sea many weeks ago, but when he caught a glimpse of it in the harbour last week, he fished it out.
"The bag was kicked into the harbour during filming and was weighted down with a bag of salt," he said. "Three months after filming the water was very low and clear and I looked in and thought I saw a cool box. I got the boat hook and pulled it out. It's quite funny it was still there and it was absolutely fine once I washed it down."
Inside were two plastic plates and glasses, the bag of salt and a lot of crabs and shrimps.
You can read all about it here.
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I am surprised Corrie didn't clean up after themselves.
That was my first thought too!
Yes, it doesn't show the production team in a very good light, does it?
I just saw a news article about a dead pilot whale with 80 carrier bags in its stomach.
This is not an amusing story, it’s a disgrace.
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