Wednesday 23rd May
SHONA BACKS JOSH INTO A CORNER Josh is quietly worried when his old training partner Claire tells him that Shona called in the gym asking questions about his past. Alya’s intrigued. Meanwhile Shona dupes Josh’s old work colleague, Dec, into meeting up. When she pushes him for answers, Shona is horrified to realise that Josh raped Dec too. Refusing to discuss it further, Dec hurries away. David’s nervous as his court case begins. Gary takes the witness stand
IS ZEEDAN’S MIND MADE UP? Imran and Yasmeen implore Zeedan not to throw in the towel just as the business is taking off, while Rana begs him to change his mind about leaving.
PHELAN MAKES HIS ‘PRESENCE’ FELT Faye calls at No.11 and noting the smashed window, suggests Phelan is still alive but the police assure Eileen they’re doing everything they can to trace the culprit and have no reason to believe that Phelan is still alive. Nicola tells Eileen she’s joined an online chat group for ‘mums to be’ and has become good friends with one of the mums.
ELSEWHERE When Hope sees Abi kissing Tyrone on the cheek, and telling him how much she loves her new boss, she reports back to a furious. Robert returns home from hospital. He insists he’s fine but Ali’s not convinced. Ali looks up Robert’s medical records and is surprised at what he discovers.
Wednesday 23rd May
DAVID’S STILL A PRISONER The Judge sentences David to 18 months in prison, suspended for 2 years. Having witnessed another argument between them, Alya wonders what’s going on between Josh and Shona. She’s unnerved when Shona warns her that Josh isn’t the guy she thinks he is. Shona urges David to report his rape to the police, revealing he isn’t Josh’s only victim. David reels. When Gary suggests he’d like Sarah to try and get on with Nicola for the sake of his child, Sarah’s given food for thought and goes to visit Nicola with some of Lily’s old baby clothes. Gary’s pleased to see Sarah and Nicola getting on but when Nicola shows him a message from her new online friend, Gary’s horrified to realise the friend is based in Abergele.
ELSEWHERE Eileen confides in Leanne how she’s being terrorised by a stalker and the police have asked her to keep a diary. Ali’s unimpressed when Michelle lets him down in favour of collecting a drunk Ryan from the airport. When Robert’s best man cancels, Ryan insists he organises the stag night. Michelle’s worried! Michelle pours her heart out to Steve about her relationship with her sons. Robert watches with a pang of jealousy. Fiz orders Tyrone to keep the kids away from Abi and not snog her in future. Tyrone’s dumbfounded. When Hope reveals that Fiz calls Abi the heroin addict, Tyrone’s appalled.

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The Ali/Michelle/Ryan story is confusing. Two grown men fighting for their biological non-biological mother's affections?...ugh
Where does Sarah get off, giving Lily's clothes away? She's not her child!
I agree with the comment about Sarah giving away Lily's baby clothes without asking David?!
Besides I think Nicola is having a boy so wouldn't it make more sense for Sarah to give away Harry's baby clothes?Or is she keeping them to have another baby with Gary?
I also wonder is Izzy aware about Nicola's baby and that Jake will be have a little brother?
Major continuity fail with Ryan tonight. He lunged at Robert who was on the sofa, fell onto the floor behind the sofa and then got up, miraculously having put on some sunglasses which I'm sure he was not wearing when he fell. Oh dear!
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