Note: Corrie is on at 9pm every night this week. It is being shown after the watershed as there will be scenes of a violent nature when Phelan returns. Find out all about Corrie's BIG WEEK with spoilers, news and cast interviews by our blog team.
Monday 28th May
DAVID FACES HIS DEMONS Alya tells Shona that Josh is moving away. David breaks the news to Emma that he’d like her to move out, hiding her upset she asks Billy about Shona’s old room. Dec tracks down David and reveals he’s also a victim of Josh but can’t bring himself to go to the police and wants Shona to stop bothering him. David listens as Johnny pours his heart out to Peter wishing that Aidan had talked to him rather than internalising his demons. Reaching a decision David tells Shona he’s ready to report Josh. Shona tells him to be quick as Josh is planning to leave.
GARY RETURNS WITH A SURPRISE PACKAGE Gary and Joe let themselves into Phelan’s caravan. A fight breaks out but Joe manages to knock Phelan unconscious. Gary and Joe return to the builder’s yard and lock Phelan in the storeroom. But when Sarah discovers a bound, gagged and unconscious Phelan what will she do?
ROBERT, ALI AND RYAN GET INTO HOT WATER As Michelle has her hair done, Johnny calls to say he won’t be attending the wedding as he doesn’t feel up to it. When Michelle then finds out that Ryan’s missing after getting bladdered, she wonders if her wedding is doomed. Robert and Daniel trace Ryan to a flat where he’s spent the night with a woman. But when her husband returns and demands to know which of them she slept with, Ryan points the finger at Robert.
ELSEWHERE Flora overhears Daniel assuring Sinead he’s doing his best to find her a place in a care home. Rosie insists on going ahead with the photo shoot despite Antoine’s involvement.
Note: Corrie is on at 9pm every night this week. It is being shown after the watershed as there will be scenes of a violent nature when Phelan returns. Find out all about Corrie's BIG WEEK with spoilers, news and cast interviews by our blog team.
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Er Shona didn’t have a room, she had Billy’s room and he slept on the sofa (or maybe they swapped as that’s where she and David slept the night after Aiden’s suicide). Anyway, the point is that there is no real vacancy for Emma at Billy and Summer’s.
Yay! glad Emma is staying, they can develop that character for sure. actress delivers and I think there is more to her.
I like Emma, she reminds me of Raquel. She is kind, gentle, dim and very funny. I'm not sure how well she will get on with Billy and Summer though. They can both be very sharp, and I don't think she is tough enough to deal with any unpleasantness.
It would be nice for Bethany if she stayed. Bethany has said at least once that she is a nice girl.
I suppose one more employee at the salon will not be a problem. They are totally overstaffed anyway!
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