Continuity mystery award: Since when has Gary been able to afford such a nice car? Or any car?
Deflection Award: Phelan had Steph convinced that he thought Andy was with her, thus pushing away suspicion from him as responsible for Andy's disappearance.
Common Ground award: I bet Tracy never thought she'd have anything of any importance with Carla but finding out about Carla's kidney failure sure touched a nerve with Tracy.
Fast thinking award: Faye for pretending she same to see Nicola about bullies and Nicola for pretending to have a miscarriage scare.
Observation Fail award: Adam. Presumably he and Eva are being intimate. How has he not noticed her increasing breast size and bump? 17+ weeks pregnant and she'd definitely have been showing physical signs of it even if she's been avoiding intimacy since she found out. That's down to more than just a few extra pies, mate.
Contrivance Street: Phelan manipulated Nicola into moving in with him and Eileen. Here's an idea. Why doesn't Gary move in with Nicola? That's too easy.
Surreal award: Your current squeeze and your ex-squeeze both sitting by your hospital bed. Awkward! (but I loved that scene!)
Lines of the week:
Yasmeen "You think this grubby little deal he struck up with your parents is going to make it right?" (isn't Shelly King awesome when given something to get her teeth into!)
Yasmeen "Denying your true feelings to safe face in the community is not the answer" (from accusing to defending, wow!)
Carla "If everyone had their way, I'd have more kidneys than fingers"
Daniel "What kind of books does Carla read for pleasure?" Roy "Books? you don't know Carla very well do you?"
Johnny to Carla after seeing Peter and Daniel in Carla's hospital room "Did I miss something?"
Tvor (Twitter @tvordlj)
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C in Canada:
Gary got all that danger pay from his Ukraine job...but they never showed him getting a car with all his dough.
I loved the scene with Carla, Daniel and Peter too. And Johnny's comment at the end was the icing on the cake. More please!
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