The previews are in for next week’s Coronation Street and things are looking bad for Phelan when he arrives at the Mill to discover the pumping of the lake is well underway. As the day draws to a close and the workmen leave he is horrified to see one of the bodies emerging from the subsiding water.
Grabbing his waders he manages to pull both bodies out and exhausted he drops them both in a column mould in the foundations of the mill and then turns on the concrete.
Eileen calls Pat to see where he has got to. As his phone buzzes the vibration causes it to fall off scaffolding and into the foundations and as he tries to retrieve it Phelan falls into the unset concrete…

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He'll survive to have that row with Eileen on the cliff top but the phone will stay right next to the bodies. Phelan won't be sure that that incriminating evidence on the phone has been destroyed which will make him hyper jumpy.
I'm dreading that if those bodies get buried in the concrete columns, no-one will ever know about them....
Did Richard Hillman's wife get discovered? She was in concrete wasn't she?
It will be good to see things not going his way for a change.
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