Coronation Street producer Kate Oates has revealed that Carla Connor is going to get herself a new fella.
In an interview with What's on TV, Kate Oates says this about Carla's new man:
“They have great chemistry but like most Weatherfield relationships, this one won’t be straightforward. Carla’s very keen to keep it under wraps. She knows that tongues will be wagging if word gets out, and one person in particular will not be pleased at all.”
I wonder who it might be?
Please, oh please, let it be Peter Barlow again!
The Little Book of Carla Connor - all details here.
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David Platt's rapist ?
Maybe Michelle's son Ali, lol? Michelle and Carla are supposed to end up "at war" with each other over something; this would fit the bill.
Not sure if there's a blood connection there through Johnny, but it's distant. Doesn't seem true to Carla's character, but with the way storylines are going these days, I wouldn't put it past the writers.
I'm disappointed in the whole Daniel story line. I don't know why they bothered other than as a means to get him and Sinead back together--ugh!!! I would have liked to have seen that go on a bit longer.
Or maybe Ryan, since there really is no blood connection there. Kind of like the Frankie/Jamie storyline, if they're bringing back the "switched at birth" storyline may as well do that one too
Ken. She's working her way through the Barlows one by one.
It can't be Peter if it's a 'new fella'.
Might be Ali, since Carla's show a propensity for the younger lads (Daniel), unless there's someone else coming to the show?
Simon - her men are getting younger and younger ;)
Oh who cares! Along with thousands of others, I've lost all interest in corrie now, haven't even seen last night's episode yet, would rather watch the Olympics.
Blood or not, Carla was married to Michelle’s brother Paul. They were never divorced. She is Ali’s aunt. Yuck!
I feel like Ali or Zeedan. Which would annoy Michelle or Leanne.
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