Summer is stressed out and attempts to rush home to see what has happened to Billy. A stranger in a car offers her a lift, then another vehicle pulls up, someone she knows. Uh oh, it's Phelan!
Michelle's son (not Ryan, the other one - the resl one) has managed to get to Uni and train to be a GP and is now working at the surgery. Has time really flown by, or has it been cheated in soap style?
Billy has necked his tablets and Eva and Eileen come to see why he has not been answering the door. He is addicted to high strength pain killer and his supplier is former addict; Adam.
There is a Valentine's fun run, which although offers a break from the misery of late, it is all a ploy for dullard Robert to propose. The street applauds, as the rest of us watch paint dry.
Billy is desperate to be a good dad. But, at what cost. The pills are affecting him and he cannot see how stressed and behind Summer is, at school.
Tyrone and Sean have a Valentine's night out. Comically it's buy one get one free, so Tyrone essentially goes gay for no pay. Meanwhile the waiter flirts with Sean and asks if he is related to Tom Hiddelston.... has he got the name wrong, does he mean Tommy Steele?
Eva sees who has been supplying Billy and has a go at him. Peter steps in, as the Barlows have become the Corleone family and if Eva is not careful, she may find a horse's head underneath her Ikea, goose feather pillows.
Aidan has a date with Sarah Louise, second date but this one is on Valentine's Day. The two share a sense of humour but have no chemstry. Meanwhile nanny Gail talks about her complicated love life to Bethany. Bethany asks which former hubby she would bring back, nan says Brian.
She then gives Bethany advice on men and relationships - really? Bethany takes it though and visits Craig. He puts his foot down and says he cannot keep apologising. Bethany arranges to meet him in the Bistro for lunch.
Sarah Lou decides to rake over Aidan's love life. How romantic? He confesses how he felt flattered that two women liked him, and swaps stories about Sarah Lou's equally disastrous relationships.
Meanwhile, Sean wants to go for the waiter, but Ty wants his 'Twofer' deal, so asks for the bill.
Geraldine rings Adam and it's as if Marley's ghost has visited him. He tells her he cannot help her and asks her to leave Summer alone.
Eileen suddenly turns into Kojak and asks Billy if he is addicted. She manages to call his bluff and offer support and tough love. We viewers though are sat wondering why she has not yet sussed that she lives with a murderer!
I have a Phelan that ship may come in within a few months.
Glenn Meads
By Glenn Meads who is on Twitter and LinkedIn
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According to Corriepedia he just turned 26, so that's young to be a GP but I suppose theoretically possible (he is on secondment, so he could still be training). I'm mostly impressed that Liz recognised him as exactly the same person she knew as a sulky teen ten years ago (even leaving aside his head transplant).
If you don't want to stay in contact with your mom, then by all means start working on the same street as she lives/works. *eyeroll*
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