Monday 19th February
IT’S THE DAY OF RECKONING FOR AIDAN AND CARLA The family wait expectantly as first Aidan then Carla are wheeled down to the operating theatre.
BILLY REACHES A NEW LOW Having been told to stay away from the flat and stay at Eileen’s because Billy has flu, Summer is shocked at the state she finds him in when she does let herself in. Having gone to get Eileen they are worried to find Billy has disappeared, meanwhile a jittery and sweating Billy has met up with his brother Lee in the cemetery.
ALI SETTLES IN TO WEATHERFIELD Michelle tells Robert she is sure she can start afresh with Ali and she is pleasantly surprised when she walks into the Rovers to find her son having a laugh with Steve. Steve asks her to join them but is Ali ready to let her back in?
ELSEWHERE Liam tells Craig he has checked all the switches for him but after Liam leaves Craig starts his ritual again. Shona forms a plan after David leaves her in the lurch again whilst he goes training.
Monday 19th February
JOHNNY AND ROY WAIT FOR NEWS At the hospital Johnny and Roy bond over their love of Carla as they wait for news of the operation. As first Aidan and then Carla are brought back from the theatre Carla has an announcement to make
BILLY SEEK FAMILY HELP Billy begs Lee’s forgiveness for his past treatment of him and begs for his help. Eileen is surprised to find Billy much more upbeat and brighter.
MICHELLE IS ANGRY WITH LIZ OVER ALI Michelle has a go at Liz for not telling her about Ali being at the surgery but Liz explains he asked her not to. Liz asks Ali to cut Michelle some slack.
ELSEWHERE Shona’s attempts to match make Josh and Maria fail. Bethany agrees to give her apprenticeship at the salon another go.

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