The previews are in for next week’s Coronation Street and Carla Connor’s got her eyes on a property in the Street. The only problem is, Sally and Tim are still living in it!
Having decided to sell her house, Sally proudly cleans it from top to bottom and excitedly boasts that she has four viewings and one of them is Carla Connor.
Carla and Michelle can barely keep a straight face as Sally gives them a guided tour and Tim is upset when he overhears them talking about the wind-up in the Rovers - will he tell Sally the truth?
Sally and Tim later agree to stay in Weatherfield and Tim’s heart sinks when she says she wants to give the house a makeover

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This should be good viewing, once we get to see it in Canada.
I like Sally but I also like to see her taken down a peg.
She sits awfully high on the snotty horse.
That's a very mean prank. Sally - or any home owner - is allowed to be proud of her house, and also to try to show it off in order to get a good sale. She has her own house - which is more than Michelle or Carla can say - and she achieved the mayor's office. I'd say Sally is more accomplished than either of them at this point, especially the waitress Michelle. I don't know why Carla and Michelle are always written to be so full of themselves and such "mean girls".
She only has that house because of her ex husband's lottery ticket.
Why the meanness? That's so horrible. I hold the character Michelle in contempt. She is totally self serving. Can't stand her.
It's true that she has the house off of Kevin's winnings - but she still has a house. And she is only on her 2nd marriage which seems stable. And she sis friendly with her ex. And her two children plus her stepdaughter talk to her (cough Michelle cough). And she was (is?) mayor. Sally has much more going on than either Carla or Michelle.
Sally's snootiness and air of superiority are matched only by Michelle's. I agree it's funny to see Sally taken down a peg from time to time, but only when she deserves it. This is just mean-spirited and nasty.
Also agree with Shells that Sally has a LOT more going for her than either of those two, particularly Michelle.
Regarding the lottery winnings, see my comment above. But I totally agree with you, she has made something of her life. It’s lovely watching the young Sally on ITV3, working in and living over Alf Robert’s shop, expressing her hopes and aspirations for the future, when you know what that future actually holds for her.
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