There's a ridiculous story today in The Mirror pointing out a list of things that the tabloid (wrongly) says are leaving "fans baffled" about Coronation Street. I won't bore you with the list of things they've mentioned as none of them are worth blogging - apart from one.
They say that it's a miracle that Billy is able to haul himself up and down the stairs at his flat even though he can barely walk as he struggles with his painkiller addiction and going cold turkey.
It's no miracle. It's not even a secret. There's a stair lift in the flat. Owen Armstrong installed it when Izzy lived in the flat and needed the lift to get herself up and down the stairs. This happened in Deceember 2014. I know this because I mentioned it in the Corrie weekly update for that month, as follows:
Now that Anna and Owen have moved into Carla's old flat I've been beside myself with worry as to how Izzy will make it up all those stairs, especially when she said she was going to be spending Christmas with her family. Anyway, problem's solved when Owen says he is going to be fitting a stair lift. Phew, I can breathe a sigh of relief now.
So there you have it.
Actor Daniel Brocklebank, who plays Billy Mayhew in Coronation Street, pointed this out on Twitter too - rather forcefully, it has to be said. But I suspect he was fed up to the back teeth of people asking him how Billy got up and down the stairs too.
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I remember Owen installing the chair lift in their old flat, but that doesn't explain why Billy was staying with Eileen and their 1 bathroom on the 2nd floor, not does it explain why Billy returned to the flat with Summer yet had his wheelchair both in the flat and at the Rovers. Surely he could get himself up & down but who carried the wheelchair for him? Just seems to be details that are overlooked too often in the haste to write these plotlines.
It doesn't explain why the chairlift was left there for over a year. That's an expensive piece of kit; if they'd bought it outright, then the Windasses should've taken it with them because I doubt Peter Barlow (the landlord) paid for it. Izzy might not need it in her single level home, but stick it in a garage somewhere in case, say, Gary ever moves into a two-storey house and she wants to visit the father of her child and use the loo. Alternatively it was rented, so it should be sent back. And even if they did leave it behind, that means Billy and Todd were bashing their ankles on it for months without ever thinking "why don't we get this annoying Stannah out of the way?"
Anon. Eileen has a front bedroom on the main floor that was Seans back in the day. Im assuming he used that
Maybe you are right about the "stair lift" in Billy's flat..however the whole thing is still ridiculous. How did Izzy get into work at the factory? How does she and Billy access the Rovers? or the Doctor's office. And secondly I am so fed up with the Billy story line his constant whinging and crying drives me nuts. And the Todd exit was ridiculously presented.
And if Eileen has a "front bedroom" on the main floor why when going to bed does she go upstairs? The number of people that live in these Corrie terrace homes is laughable. They are two up and two down houses. Period. I mean how many people are now living at Gail's? David, two kids, Shona, Sarah and her child [if she still has one], Bethany, and Gail who lives in the first floor bedroom. Too funny.
I am shocked, shocked to discover that people are needlessly nitpicking in order to have something to complain about.
The Rovers is flat/level entry. The medical center is ramped. Eileen has a front bedroom but also has two upstairs. The Barlows also has their "front" room set up like a bedroom which is Amy's now. Blanche lived in it prior to that as did Uncle Albert. I agree that a lot of the houses must have elastic walls for how many people live in them. Every house or flat has been questionable in the past.
Bluegardenia if you watch old eps when the entire machine staff is outside waiting for the bosses to open up you will see that when they arrive Izzy goes down the side of the building. Assuming theres a side door someone opens up for her.
Also, Eileen and Jason always had bedrooms upstairs. Sean always used the downstairs front room. I remember once a long time ago when John Stape was still there it showed the upstairs bedroom, which was shockingly new for me to see. I remember it was tiny and only had 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Makes you wonder how Beth, Kirk, Sinead, Ches, Craig all fit there... as it was always said that Craig gave up his upstairs bedroom when Joseph arrived.
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