What’s the current situation with Kate and Rana?
They are not speaking and Kate is with Sophie which everyone thinks is a rebound. Kate is not seeing it as a rebound but she feels like if she was to lead Sophie down the wrong path she might be breaking her heart so she is keeping her distance because she knows her true feelings are for Rana.
How does Kate feel when Phelan tells them that they need to find a new tenant for Luke’sroom?
Kate thinks of the panic of having rent to pay and they don’t want to get in trouble with their landlord so they need to fill that room. Kate offers it to Craig because he needs a place to live. They are all moving on; Kate checks in with Alya to see if she is alright about it and she is so it is not like there is pressure. It is more about that they are really letting go of Luke now by letting someone come and live in his room but it is also the next step.
Tell us what happens when Zeedan suggests that Sophie should move in.
Kate is frustrated and doesn’t think it is a good idea. She doesn’t want to hurt Sophie’s feelings. She knows that they need to take their time and that’s a really nice way of moving forward and actually letting their relationship go its natural course by not rushing because Kate does keep rushing in to relationships.
How do you think Zeedan pushing Sophie towards Kate will impact Kate and Rana?
Kate is using Sophie and that is harsh. Sophie has got such a soft spot for Kate and Kate can see it and is taking advantage of that. So when Kate knows that Rana can see that they are together and she is getting jealous, it is only fuelling that fire - Kate is totally leading Sophie down a wrong path. She knows that she need to come clean sooner rather than later.
With Sophie obviously smitten, is Kate aware of the extent of Sophie’s feelings for her?
Kate is similar to Sophie in that she wears her heart on her sleeve and I like that you always know what you’re going to get with Sophie Webster. Kate starts to see that she’s taking her down a misleading path and she doesn’t want to send out mixed messages.
How do you think Kate will handle having two women fighting for her affection?
She doesn’t realise that she’s got two women fighting for her because her feelings are so strong for Rana. Kate doesn’t realise her effect on people and Kate doesn’t have that self-worth that every girl should have.
Zeedan seems to have taken a self-destructive path and Kate sees him trying to apologise to Leanne. What does Kate make of this?
Kate sees that they are arguing in the street and she is with Carla at the time so the pair of them think the worst because they can tell that Leanne is really upset as she storms off. Zeedan and Leanne have a really good relationship so for them to be arguing something has got to have happened.
How do you think Zeedan will react if Kate and Rana were to continue their relationship?
I don’t think he has a leg to stand on because the pair of them want to be together no matter what!
The fan reaction to Kate and Rana has been huge… How are you enjoying this story line?
We are so overwhelmed but we are so grateful at the same time. We spoke about this relationship before it was on screen for months, the planning with the writers, the talking with the producers. We knew it was going to be a real hard story to tell and I cannot get over the support that we have had so I can only be thankful and I love the fact that they love me more because I’m with Rana. With all of these characters on Coronation Street, all you want to be is loved, so the fact that we have our own fandom, we appreciate the time that they take to make edits and they even come up with their own predictions for the future. We tease them all the time!
How are you enjoying watching the storyline play out?
I’m just really proud because we have all worked really hard on it and we are giving those people a voice, we’re telling a real story that is so relatable and it’s a game changer. I do think we’re doing something that’s quite historical for Coronation Street.
This storyline is obviously very complex and involves the subjects of both sexuality and religion, do you feel like there’s an added pressure to do it justice?
Definitely and more so for Bhavna as an actress. We were worried about the reaction and that people weren’t going to accept the idea about this new relationship but because they’ve received it so well and I know that it’s only a positive thing and it can only get better. The pressure is from me wanting to do a good job. We are both straight women playing those characters so we’re just giving truth to everything we do with it. Love is love and that’s the message across all boards. We don’t need to even think about any other factors, it’s down to a feeling and down to happiness and two people just falling for one another. It’s what Corrie always has - it has heart.
What has it been like working with Bhavna Limbachia and Brooke Vincent?
Brooke cracks me up every day, I know she’s always going to have an amazing story to tell me that’s literally going to have me belly laughing. She’s so comfortable at Corrie because she’s been here since she was so young and so she has a real natural ability and I soak that up when I’m with her. Bhavna works just as hard as I do as an actress so she has the work ethic. We constantly bounce off each other with new ideas. We have to kiss a lot so to be comfortable with her is really important and I can’t take that for granted.
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With regard to Kate and Rana's relationship. I think it should continue and become a permanent thing. So far while exploring sexuality we've had Sean and his various romances, then there was Maria and her romance with a gay man, then we had Billy and look what he's turned into...now we have Kate and Rana...I think it's about time we saw a gay relationship of some permanence. They do exist.
Straight relationships don't really have much permanence either. They're even spoiling Tyrone and Fizz now
To be fair they were showing a committed relationship between Billy and Todd. It was Bruno Langley's unexpected departure that ruined that one, not the writers.
I am already sick of these two.People are trying so hard to be cool with a lesbian storyline that they forget this is just another cheating storyline in Corrie.It's all rah rah for Kana and trying to make Zeedan look bad. But really, can you imagine the emotional destruction caused by these two? And yes, I hear the "you can't help who you fall in love with" argument and you have to be yourself. However, being an adult means you don't HAVE to act on it and making a marriage vow means you shouldn't. Personally, I think Kate is a predator who blew apart Rana's life. She had no right to "out" Rana. It was a sleazy and selfish thing to do. So, count me in the minority who does not like this "cool" storyline. I'm still waiting for Sean to get a proper partner.
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