It's the morning after the night before as Kate and Sophie (wearing some very sexy boots) wander home from (presumably) Canal St. Sophie goes in for a smooch, but Kate pulls away. Sophie later confesses all to Rosie, who thinks Kate being sent home from work, still drunk, is a "classic hard-to-get sign," and then lets slip to Rana about the snog.
Everyone's after Luke. Zeedan wants him to fix the van, Imran needs to speak to him about the racism/assault case and Alya just wants him to come home. The only one not interested in finding him is Phelan, who is setting fire to evidence in the back yard. Having found the burnt out car, the coppers turn up and tell Alya that Luke's a goner. Two stories come together as Alya understandably jumps to the conclusion that it's the racist Parker brothers who have killed him. The media turns up outside the Nazirs and they ill-advisedly give a press conference, blaming the Parkers (but not naming them). Seb, who knows more, looks askance at Phelan. Seb's mum turns up, looking for biscuits or wine, and Seb persuades her to move away with him and the twins. That scheme lasts about ten minutes as Abi reveals she's a) failed rehab and b) stolen Eileen's window-cleaning money. The episode ends with Seb poking in Phelan's bin fire, watched by Pat from the upstairs window. Careful, Seb! You don't wanna be next.
Also wanting to move away is Kate, whose distress over Luke and the situation with Rana, leads to her decision to go and stay at Carla's place in Devon, and she tells Rana that it's all over between them.
We need to talk about Jangie. When Jude was first introduced as Mary's long lost son, it was a sweet Christmas story. But since they returned from South Africa, they've been nothing but annoying. Granted, Mary is over-bearing, needy and demanding. But their belief that she would hurt a baby was bizarre and Jude telling his (assaulted schoolgirl) mum that she should have tried harder to keep him, was cruel. So, doubly-sacked Sean is typing up his CV on their laptop and accidentally deletes George's baby photos that Jangie have removed from their camera and failed to back up. Sean was a twit to them in Friday's ep re: his sacking from the medical centre, but to throw him out of a house that is not theirs? When Sean has a rent book and rights? Outrageous. Even when they fell out with Mary, they kept free-loading at her putative husband's house. Sean, wearing a black and blue (or is it white and gold?) jumper, freewheels his suitcase round to Tyrone's to fill the gap that Fiz has left. Well at least he's not handing out £5 pocket money to Ty.
Imran, Zeedan, Rana and the Habeeb Seniors go out to lunch, which is an exercise in passive-aggression as Mama Habeeb place Zeedan at the head of the table above Imran (Rana doesn't get to sit at the head, although she shines in Zeedan's reflected glory as her mother compliments her dress).
And Phelan visits Billy in hospital, who is struggling to re-learn to walk. Given some time, I do wonder if TPTB might bring back Todd with a different head, Nicky Tilsley style. I hope so. Just don't let Billy and Sean get back together. Now that Sean's had a storyline, it's gonna go to his head.
Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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Unfortunately,I think Jude and would have blackmailed Norris into throwing Sean out anyway by threatening to leave for South Africa for good and Mary will never see them again.It's sad that they're taking over Norris's house.
I don't like Fiz telling Sean he could stay at Tyrone's house without asking Tyrone[ who owns the house ]either!
I want Todd back with the SAME head.
For me the saddest part of the episodes was Tyrone in the backyard after he told Hope and Ruby about Luke.
And Sophie didnt just "go in for a kiss". It looked like he tried to swallow Kate whole. It was so awkward.
The drama of losing Luke, Seb’s desperation and Ty’s worry for Ruby were very well done, but the computer wiping and the press conference were both incredibly amateurish. Imran is a lawyer and should have prevented it; it’s slanderous. And what was with that round of applause? I don’t have enough fingers to count the ways that computer mishap scene was wrong. Those two scenes seriously diluted what was otherwise a good night of drama.
I agree. Tyrone's reaction was the most genuine and moving. I also feel for Seb, and it is a credit to the actor that I care for this desperate young man now. Life hasn't been good to him, and he deserves better. I hope he doesn't become another victim of Phelan. Overall, a good episode. (The laptop stupidity aside!)
Yes to Tyone and Seb! I felt for Seb being let down by his mother again when he desperately needs her.
Kudos from me too about Seb and Tyrone, very believable. Alan Halsall doesn't often get a chance to really shine like that and the young man playing Seb was spellbinding in his reactions. And I agree with the comments about the computer. First, the style of those on screen messages made it look like an old XP machine if it's a Windows one although it may not be. And for a factory reset, You would have to really dig into the guts of the admin functions to get to something like that and I still don't think a factory reset would delete documents, just settings.
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