ROY BATTLES HIS CONSCIENCE. Rattled by his own display of emotion Roy’s retreated back into his shell and focuses all his attention on finishing the bedroom. Worried he’s bottling things up Anna calls in Owen and the troops to take over the decorating. Roy’s uneasy about relinquishing control but when Hayley arrives home from hospital early will he be ready to hand over his paint-brush and talk to Hayley about her proposed suicide?
EILEEN’S UNCONDITIONAL LOVE SHINES THROUGH. Eileen’s ashamed of Todd’s behaviour and remains stoney faced when he suggests he returns to London. Todd meanwhile tells Sean a sanitized version of events and Sean’s quickly taken in. Turning manipulative once more, Todd only wishes Eileen could see things from his perspective. Will Sean plead his case to a disappointed Eileen?
OWEN’S UNSURE ABOUT FAYE’S NEW FRIEND. When Grace offers Faye a concert ticket Owen says no, feigning concern for her schoolwork, although it’s clear his real issue is with Grace. Disappointed Grace attempts to sweet talk Anna. Will Anna be taken in by her act and overrule Owen’s decision?
ELSEWHERE Steve throws himself into helping Amy with school work, determined to prove he’s a better parent than Tracy.
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Anyone notice Eileen's top in cab office? It was made from a roll of Roy's wallpaper!
Is it just me or is Roy a very nasty person when he is dealing with stress. Geez Louise...Hayley is dying but let's make it all about Royston! And heaven forbid anyone tries to be nice to him....oh no! That would be charity! Too bad Hayley can't take him with her when she goes.
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