Hang on a minute though. Reading the small print, I spotted the name Robin Askwith. It took a moment before the involuntary spasm hit me full on. Robin. Askwith. Oh dear. Once branded the next generation Sidney James, Mr Askwith forged a career making rather unpleasant sub-Carry On type films in the 1970s. Indeed, the Confessions films made the Carry Ons look like Oscar winning epics.
Now I know Robin is just popping into the Street for a cameo, which is something of a relief, but really?! Is there no one else of a certain vintage available? I fortunately missed Askwith's last appearance in Corrie back in 2007 - in Malta with Steve and Eileen - so this will be new territory for me. On the otherhand, I do like the idea of Dennis revisting one of his old storylines. Back in the 60s Dennis was in the entertainment industry as an agent and manager. I think it provided lots of light relief when Corrie was restricted to about thirteen actors during a strike. Anyway, more of Dennis can only be a good thing so I guess I'll have to suffer through the rest of it.
So are you looking forward to this upcoming storyline with the Tanners? Let me know what you think.
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We'd seen so little of Dennis that I thought Philip Lowrie might be ill and had asked for minimum screen time. I'm delighted that he's getting any kind of story line but worry it will be short-lived as RA only has a cameo part. Dennis should be ducking and diving, always into a dubious deal of some kind. He's got a dodgy past and a cheeky face, and would make an excellent loveable rogue in the Jack Duckworth mould.
Ra is funny loved his confessions and when he starred in bless this house film. Glad Dennis has a storyline
Yes, I agree, Graeme, there could be many more stories with Dennis and Rita as aging impressarios. Rita would be the logical, and Dennis the "lad" always excited about the next famous act.
To answer your question succinctly, YES. Oh yes, so much so.
Been waiting and waiting and hoping and praying for Dennis to show us his stuff.
Just a question about your article though Graeme, when you wrote "I fortunately missed Askwith's last appearance in Corrie back in 2007".., did you mean.. I 'unfortunately' missed Askwith's last appearance? I'm not normally a stickler about grammar and such, but just found myself wondering why?
Anyway, looking forward to a bit of fun and I loved Dennis Tanner's character in the early days, and can't wait to see more of him now.
P.s. Humpty Dumpty ~ you are right on.
The storyline sounds lame, but I'll take whatever Dennis Tanner screentime I can get. He is criminally underused. Why don't we get a dramatic storyline with Rita and Dennis at the core, rather than at the sidelines of Tina's latest drama? Both the actors are among the best Corrie has, and will hopefully stick around well after Tina has flitted off.
I say that we should give Mr Askwith a chance. Perhaps the story will be fun?
No, I meant I was glad I missed it
I don't mind the storyline, my issue with it (and this will get me shot down) is the fact Rita is involved. Apparently she will not be pleased with Dennis' plans to enter back into music, so will have the patronising Rita (which will be seen as comedy) hamming up the story. No doubt when Norris gives an opinion she will have a go at him, despite not owning the Kabin anymore.
She was terrible in the drug plot with Sylvia and Dennis with her threatening to shop Sylvia to the police (funny she didn't do that when Tommy was stashing drugs or Tina was stealing them).
oh my.
Aw! :( Robin is actually a brilliant actor and isn't given the respect he's due.
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