Going on next weeks episodes there appears to be a touch of the Tracy Barlow about Mr Grimshaw these days. The previously intelligent, thoughtful, caring character now apparently boasts the dubious qualities of a lying manipulator.
He's also gone from a promising young student to someone else desparate for a job in the Bistro. I think we all know what Nick will make of that development. It is also such a cliche that Todd would attempt to split up Marcus and Maria, if the rumours are true. I think Corrie can do better than this.
It just seems such a shame to me. Nice characters need not be boring, so I don't know why we have to suffer through so many mean, nasty feuds these days. The current Tracy, Tina spat is about as exciting as watching paint dry. Characters being at each others throats all the time isn't necessarily dramatic and involving for us viewers. Corrie have of course pulled this trick before. The powers that be brought back both Amber and Sunita, did nothing with them of any note, then transformed their previously pleasant characters into very much the complete opposite. The ruining of Sunita's character in particular was embarrassing and uncomfortable to watch. Let's just hope Todd doesn't go the same way.
I know it is far too early to judge, I just get very frustrated with my favourite soap when I see patterns repeating themselves. Let's hope Todd's return to Weatherfield does eventually live up to my expectations. I'm not saying I want a rehash of what he did during his original stint, however it would be great to see evidence of this character having matured and developed for the better during his absence.
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Brilliant post and can I just say THANK YOU because what you've said about the Tina/Tracy plot is spot on. It's so tedious and don't get me started on the contrived Peter/Tina scenes.
Is this what we have to look forward to for the rest of the year?
Thanks. Yes, I'm not sure where the Tina/Peter thing came from, but unfortunately I know where it's going!
Let's hope we're pleasantly surprised!
Coming so soon after Ryan returned with a complete change of personality, it makes it even more ridiculous... and unfortunately all too predictable.
I really can't see the point in resurrecting characters if they are going to be completely different to how viewers remember them.
I agree entirely with your post too; at least Todd didn't come back with a "head" transplant to go with his personality change.
Why do you suppose tptb feel the necessity to bring a character back so changed from when they left?
Continuity isn't a bad thing, is it?
All this at each others throats is tiring; please don't go the way EE has gone, and not to their lasting success it would seem.
I'm also not liking Anna's mean streak showing itself; where are they going with that?
As far as I can see Anna is reverting to her original personality, when the Windass clan first showed up they were all a nasty bunch of characters that destroyed Tina's dad's business.
Unfortunately Blackburn seems determined to bring back every character that was in the show when he was a scriptwriter but doesn't know what to do with them or the current cast for that matter, so we are getting increasingly implausible situations such as the Peter/Peter pairing.
Corrie is fast becoming in danger of turning into EE. I'm fed up with the shouting and boring plot lines. Had enough of Grace already. I was looking forward to Tod's return, not so sure now.
Seems to be a written rule these days, everyone has to be obnoxious. Its a shame as if we dont like them then we dont care what happens to them.
You hit it right on the head Ping Pong Poon.
I've thought for a very long time that the writers think we viewers suffer from memory loss, either that or they don't realize that the excellent script and acting that was, and mostly still is, has created viewers who DO care about the characters.
I don't like them thinking that we are content with characters, original or lookalikes, who turn nasty on their ( mostly abbreviated) return to the cobbles.
You're welcome Graeme! I always enjoy your posts.
Yes, hopefully the Roy and Hayley scenes will continue to keep us all watching.
The idea of Peter and Tina having an affair is laughable to me but the 'grounding' for the storyline is even worse. They've gone from never exchanging a single word apart from the occasional 'Orange juice please' to suddenly meeting every 2 minutes for cosy chats and making meaning eye contact etc. Plleeease
Agree with Ping Pong Poon, you have to care about characters whether they be nice or nasty. That's why Tony Gordon worked; he showed a vulnerability which made his villainy more understandable tho' still not justified. Tracy doesn't work because where is her vulnerability? Certainly not Amy as tptb keep trying to tell us because the kid gets dumped on whoever's available. Faye's not credible as a character because she's never had the chance to talk to a teacher, perhaps, about her feelings. I could go on but why should I? Writers get paid to give us interesting characters, so why don't they?
Peter and Tina feel very last-minute. Tommy's gone; Chris and Michelle are leaving. Press the panic button and let's cobble an affair together.
I think and hope the nasty Todd will be all hype, he'll settle to type and be nice again in due course. It's all about bringing him back with a bang, I reckon.
I really hope Todd splits up the black hole of boredom that is Maria and Marcus
My heart sank when I read of the plans for Todd. The character was so loved last time round and his coming out story easily one of the most memorable of the last decade. Like the current Hayley story,it's these truthful,emotional stories with characters that the viewers care about that have the most impact. They may take more thought from the writers than the endless affairs,murders and explosions that constitute so much "soap" these days. But the Street's writers are some of the finest in the business and surely would prefer writing truthful,affecting drama rather than endlessly recycled melodrama.
Why is it that every young person that leaves the street returns a complete jerk? They did it with Leeanne, Nick, Amber and Ryan. I quite liked Todd before and am very disappointed that he is going to be "another Tracy Barlow" one is quite enough!
I did not love Todd. What he did to a loving and trusting Tina was downright cruel.
Reading the spoilers I get the impression that the writers don't watch the show - perhaps they should and also listen to the viewers the fans - how about around the table discussion think it might open their minds and show that they actually care about the street. Tracy seems to just swan on and off screen with only nasty words looks and thoughts in her head - why is this - where is Amy upstairs listening to cd's haven't seen her for a long while. Have to laugh when my girls yell at the screen for Rob to run to the hills and not look back... They now bring back little Todd he left in a cloud and for some reason he comes back with a chip on his shoulder as big as London town, surely he could come back with a little chip and with guidance from Eileen and family he could find his way again... Lets hope the characters who are looking lost on the screen will find their way once more.
Now we have the beginning of a romance between Eileen and Lloyd starting to bloom..love's young dream. This, IMO is going to be a massive mistake.
Oh please, no, I hope they don't ruin a good friendship by shoehorning Eileen and Lloyd together. For pete's sake, this is starting to get unbearable.
As for Todd, while I had some sympathy for him, he wasn't an angel by any means. Jason has been a far better son to Eileen than Todd has, Todd is like the Nick to her Gail.
As far as Todd goes, the last time we saw him he was a snotty little jerk. I can see how he might change from being a sweet boy to a man with an agenda, sly and sneaky. From the spoilers I've seen it sounds like they're trying to make him into another Ryan Connor, who came back as much the same kind of idiot, smoking, drugs, manipulating and selfish. He did settle down a bit so maybe Todd will too.
Tina and Tracy are very tedious indeed but it's not out of character for either one really.
Seems that anyone who goes to live in 'that London' gets ruined. Doesn't say much for the north south divide!= Micky
Exactly what I was about to post Anonymous! Every time someone leaves the cobbles for London, they're tarnished with our southern bitterness and then spat out to return home a nasty villain! We're not all like that down here ya know!
Todd was supposed to be bright enough to go to Oxford, so if he's coming back desperate for a job in the backstreet Bistro, it's just too depressing for words.
Corrie really must address its bias against education. Ken Barlow is an unambitious, pompous lothario; Brian the Headteacher is a pompous idiot; Jenna gave up her professional job for Sophia and ended up working in the caff.
Steve, Nick and Carla all left school as soon as possible, yet have mountains of cash, (except when the storylines dictate a temporary problem), drive flash cars and employ others.
It seems that having brain cells between your ears is worse than being a murderer on Corrie.
I do agree with you Anonymous, but I think I read recently that Steve is going to go to night school soon - at least that is a step in the right direction
Anonymous @ 22:51 - By Tina do you mean Sarah Louise? I get your point but it's not like Todd did it all on purpose...
Tvor, yes Todd was not particularly nice when he returned more recently, so I guess they are just developing that further. I hope they don't do a Ryan on him though - that character was even more tedious that Tracy and Tina!
I wondered whether I'd imagined that Todd had completed a law degree in London. But no, here's what Wikipedia has to say:
Todd returns three years later for Jason's stag party ahead of his wedding to Sarah. He tells Eileen he is in an open relationship with a man named Ben and has obtained his law degree and is doing temporary work.
I do hope the writers don't conveniently erase this fact from the Coro history books (although the adverts of him working in the Bistro aren't promising on that count). There would be plenty to keep a lawyer busy in and on the Street. He could move into a trendy apartment nearby, like Nick's or Carla's old one, and his family lives there so there's no credibility issues with him hanging around there regularly. Hell, Jenna could have some one of her own intellect to talk to. And both being gay, they could become the best of bezzie mates!
Hate the new bloated Todd, with the horrid haircut!
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