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Tuesday 8 October 2013

David's DNA test won't reveal Lily's real dad - and here's why

Nick's demanded a DNA test and David's following his brother's orders to carry one out.  But it won't reveal who the father is - and here's why.

Paternity testing company Northgene in Newcastle have confirmed to us here at the Coronation Street Blog today that a test solely on David and Lily's DNA won't result in knowing who the baby's true father is.

Northgene told us: "Our office Coronation Street expert says we'd need DNA samples from both potential fathers and the child, because the brothers are only half-brothers we should be able to exclude one of them.

"The next question we would ask is whether the test had to be legal or peace of mind.  Legal tests can be used for birth certificate changes or for the courts or Child Support Agency, whereas peace of mind could only be used for the family only.

"The charge for a legal test is £478.80 and peace of mind would be £270".

So that means, whatever David's test results show, then it can't be considered accurate until Nick's been tested also to see what his results prove.

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Anonymous said...

Surely David and Nick will both be sending samples along with that of Lily.

As far as I know, such a DNA test wouldn't prove who definitely is the father, but it may well rule out someone who can't have been the father.

So if the result is that David could be the father and Nick couldn't, then it's solved. (or vice versa).

The only problem would be if both came back saying that they could be the father.

Glenda Young said...

Indeed to all that... and i guess that is what may well happen.

Anonymous said...

Or if the test came back saying neither could be the father.

Humpty Dumpty said...

Well, David could have offered to send Nick's dna off with his own, supposedly to be double-sure, but swapped Nick's hair sample with some man's shorn locks from the salon floor. It would come back negative but Nick would be suspicious and do his own when he was fit. It would avoid this contrivance of leaving the most important document of your life where anyone can find it.

LauraG said...

But if David sends his own DNA then they'd be able to exclude him if he's not the father, right? So if they say he's not than we know Nick is. It shouldn't matter if they have Nick's DNA. There's no other father in the running.

Anonymous said...

Oh bother, please let this whole DNA malarkey be over and done with; rule one of them out, please oh please!

Anonymous said...

You are assuming that Coronation Street will bother to do as much research as this blog. Given past storylines like the Leanne/Peter custody battle, that assumption is highly questionable. The DNA test will reveal whatever best suits the ratings drive.

ChiaGwen said...

Yes Anonymous, why does Leanne still have custody of Simon and Peter seems in no hurry to change that....bizarre.

Anonymous said...

because carla doesn't want simon

abbyk said...

There's the real world, and then there's Corrie-land.

Anonymous said...

Surely the mother would need to give consent for the child to be swabbed? Aren't there laws in this country about that??


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