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Wednesday 23 October 2013

Coronation Street episode review, Wednesday 23 October

Poor Roy! Barely getting over Hayley's collapse, and so relieved that they've made amends, he is clearly crestfallen to find that her admission to hospital has made her more determined than ever to proceed with her intention to take her own life when the time is right. As Roy kisses her and tells her he can’t bear the thought of living without her, we can’t bear to imagine them apart. Fiz, upset by their row, presses both of them for information, but neither yield which is a testament to the strength of their relationship. Jenni McAlpine's performance was an emotional one tonight when Fiz broke down in front of Hayley in a very tender and upsetting scene.

Meanwhile Jenna is irritated by Sophie’s frustration at Sally’s choice of man, but she ignores her, and asks her mother the question we've all been waiting for: what does she see in Tim? Considering how little respect he affords her, it’s a mystery. Sally gives fun as her reason, but it’s painfully apparent that she wants more than that, and he most certainly doesn't. He may have taken a step too far tonight though when he fails to turn up to bring Sally and Faye to the cinema. Faye’s cheekiness saw me feeling sorry for Sally which is a rare occurrence.

While you’re unlikely to find Tim’s newspaper headline “Much Disregard for Red Cards” on any newspaper outside of the Weatherfield Gazette, it certainly mirrored the action in tonight’s Corrie. I've always felt that Dennis enjoyed being a kept man, but his foolish attempt at clearing his debt by pawning Rita’s ring saw him get an instant red card. Despite being a ludicrous thing to do, it appears he meant well, and may not have deserved to be so demeaned and degraded by Rita and Tracy. Feeling inadequate is what lead him to try and shoulder his own debt in the first place, albeit by the wrong means, and maybe Rita needs to ask why he did such a stupid thing rather than calling him a heartless gold digger.

Where Tina and Tracy were concerned it was less red card and more red flag to a bull. Tracy just can’t resist stirring up trouble, and Rob seems increasingly unhappy with her attitude. After a prolonged bout of teasing, Tina is pushed to her limit and has to be held back by Liz. It’s true that she did offer David Platt a roof over his head when nobody else would, but she has the line of the night when she happily advises Tracy in front of Rob, Peter and Liz that David’s encounter with Tracy nearly put him off for life, and he had more fun waiting in the Post Office queue. What is it about Platts and post? No more envelopes. Please.

While Tommy’s impending departure from the Street was widely known, I was genuinely surprised at how this occurred tonight. David is back in Tina’s flat just hours when she returns to hear that Tommy has packed a bag and left for the airport with his passport following a row with her ex. While she does attempt to phone him, Tina doesn't shed a tear, and simply goes back to work. If it wasn't possible to film one last scene with Tommy, Tina's reaction to his departure could at least have been a bit more realistic.

Finally, Chesney's lock up is broken into and all his stock stolen leaving him with no income. “What kind of thief steals a load of dog collars and rubber bones?” he asks Sinead. Considering the amount of people in the dog house after this episode, there are a number of suspects.

By Emma Hynes,, Twitter: @ELHynes

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Anonymous said...

That last line was a winner! Welcome, Emma.

Anonymous said...

I am truly ticked off that Tommy has gone - I think the actor has been treated very badly.

Glenda Young said...

Smashing, Emma!

Frosty the Snowman said...

The whole Tina/Treasea war is a carbon copy of Tina/Kirsty not so long ago. The whole Tommah business was so contrived as to be laughable, he stood by Tina when she had a baby for another couple but she does a favour for an ex and neighbour and he does one, yeah right. It was pretty disjointed.

Anonymous said...

Stood by her? If I remember correctly he left her because he couldn't cope with the surrogacy and ended up living with Dennis and Rita for several months. Plus every time Tina did something he never liked he always complained and looked miserable. So its not really a shock he has walked out.

Anyway seeing as Chris Fountain was sacked what else could they do? He can't exactly stay with Tina off-screen for the foreseeable then everyone would moan about writers taking them for fools.

John McE said...

I normally love Rita, but I thought her attitude in last night's episode was very unpleasant. The Ring belonged to Dennis's mother, Elsie, and Rita has only had it a year or so, yet she acted like it was an heirloom from her own family, rather than Dennis's.

Hayley's first real sign of illness was heartbreaking, but I suppose we are going to have to get used to it. Someone persuade Julie H. to stay, then Hayley and Roy could visit Lourdes and get a miracle cure?

Ping Pong Poo said...

agree about Rita she really is one santimonos complaining old cow these days. And I supsect we are going to get the Roy Hailey tear jerking scenes milked to the hilt for the next few months. Rather depressing

Anonymous said...

How awful Rita was to Dennis. If she was even approachable about money where anyone else but Tina is concerned, he might have asked her. To call him a gold digger etc was just not on. It was only 600 pounds - far less than any money she was going to throw at Tina to go on the holiday 'of her choice'. Why doesn't Denis throw that in her face, just as he's walking out the door - bags packed. He's a lovely man, and if the roles were reversed, would he be calling her a gold digger?

Haley - I am so going to miss this character. What a wonderful time we've had with her on the street. We'll not see the like of her again.

Mad Hatter said...

Rita is just a patronising and interfering old woman who thinks she is above the rest. And what was up with her continuously questioning Tina about Tommy with Tracy just standing a few feet away. Getting down to Tracy, why isn't she barred as she seems to come into the pub every night causing trouble.

ChiaGwen said...

Rita, why don't you just stab Dennis in the heart, spit on him and be done with it. She seems an older version of Tina, firing off mean one-liners here and there and everywhere. Dennis should tell Rita to shove off.
I don't condone violence but it would have put a smile on my face if Rita, Dennis, Liz and Tina had pummeled Tracy to the floor of the Rovers!


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