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Also for Kindle! Corrie weekly update writer and Coronation Street Blog editor Glenda Young's novel TRIPLE WHAMMY and her poetry book CANDY FLOSS GIRL NEEDED - APPLY WITHIN
David’s plan to cause carnage continues this week when he scrapes his key down the side of Peter’s car, who blames the damage on Nick, of course. And then he sends flowers to Leanne in the Bistro, hoping that Nick will get petulant about possible petals from Peter. But if David was hoping that Nick and Peter’s feud would fester and fire up and result in Nick and Leanne splitting, he’s wrong as it just brings them closer, with Leanne telling Peter to grow up and get out.
And so David takes his campaign of revenge over to Gail, where in some of the most funny/horrible/cringe-worthy/still funny even though I know I shouldn’t laugh kind of a way, David goes nuts. No really, he does. He chucks peanuts at Gail, one by painful, salty one. And Gail just stands there and takes the bitterness from David and the saltiness from the nuts, she mopes and moans and heads to Sally’s for red wine. Come on Gail, grow a pair! Of er, nuts! “I’m just trying to spread a little peanut shaped happiness, that’s all,” David declares as Kylie wonders if her husband has a kernel of knowledge about their baby’s real dad.
Emily tells Rita and Dennis about Norris’ nasty comment about “the vultures circling” to get their hands on her will and her house. And so, in a bizarre move, Emily tells Norris that in exchange for the 13 years he’s lived as her lodger, for looking after her, cooking and cleaning, he can have No. 3. Yes, she wants to give him her home. Now then, I’m not sure what’s going on here. Doesn’t Emily remember that she doesn’t own No. 3 because she gave it to Richard Hillman in an equity release scheme or are we Corrie fans, along with Emily, supposed to forget that bit? I had hoped for more from this new Corrie producer. Anyway, Norris is smug with himself for getting Emily’s house off her although Emily tells Rita and Dennis he’ll also be getting the bills and maintenance to go with it
Over at Roy’s Rolls, Roy opens up to Hayley and finally talks about the turmoil he’s in that’s lead him to go sleepwalking in the night and almost setting the cafĂ© on fire. Hayley gets Roy to visit the GP but just before his name’s called, he’s gone. Hayley’s not best pleased and drags him back in. Roy’s told he has to spend a night in a sleep clinic to get to the root of the problem and in the meantime to try meditation, not medication. Sylvia huffs and puffs at the notion of this. “You might as well hug a tree,” she declares. “Or rub on some essential oil of ramalamadingdong.” Wonderful stuff.
Tim returns from Newcastle to two full and blazing barrels from Anna and Owen for leaving Faye home alone. In his defence, he didn’t know Faye wasn’t staying with Anna, but against him is the fact that he never checked. He admits to Faye he’s a lousy dad and she can only agree and moves back in with Anna where she’s given a group hug and sausage mash. Anna’s so determined not to lose Faye again that she tells Owen she wants rid of Tim - from Faye’s life and Weatherfield. Owen puts the frighteners on Tim - who’s getting cosy in the Rovers with Sally – and warns Tim he has to leave. “You sling yer hook. Got that?”. Whether he’s got it or not, I don’t think Tim’ll be leaving any time soon, not now he’s got Mrs Webster on the pull.
And finally this week, Leanne suggests putting on a student night in the Bistro. In July? After term’s ended? Yup, that’ll work.
And that's just about that for this week. Remember, you can sign up to get these Corrie weekly updates by email at
This week's writers Jayne Hollinson, Mark Wadlow, Peter Whalley, Susan Oudot and Julie Jones. Find out more about the Coronation Street writing team at
Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at
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I was wondering about Hayley offering to go through medical tests to be supportive of Roy. Will this result in her being diagnosed with cancer?
That would certainly reinforce Roy's fear of doctors.
The peanut thing was amazing. Almost as good as my other favourite Corrie peanut moment, with Deirdre's peanut bowls.
This peanut based comedy on Corrie should become a regular thing.
Yep the peanut moment was both funny and disturbing in that a man can treat his own mother with such venom and disdain. If it was anyone else but Gail then I would have sympathy with them but this character has bordered on the ludicrous lately with the stupid face pulling and idiot behaviour. I want to throw things much bigger than peanuts at this dreadful woman.
While the peanut moment was good, I'm convinced a certain level of hilarity could have been reached if it'd been some of those god forsaken olives! Gail has become so cringe-worthy that found myself without any sympathy for her. If the Gail of old could roll on the ground grabbing hair with Eileen, why on earth couldn't she slap that David soundly round the ears and smash the bowl of nuts over his seizure-prone head? Then again, this scene did speak a lot to the way many mothers allow their children to treat them now - total lack of respect because none is expected/demanded.
Agree it would have been funnier if the olives had been used. A close up of David opening a jar, draining the juice, then flinging them continually at Gail. Pimento would have been hanging from Gail's hair, the walls and staining her clothes - peanuts - not even a dent in that numbskull of hers.
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