LOCKING HORNS WITH ROB, PETER COURTS DISASTER. Carla and Michelle are astonished to learn that Rob and Tracy are planning to go into business together. Meanwhile determined to push Peter to his limits, Rob places £500 on an accumulator. Peter accepts the bet even though he’s aware that if Rob were to win it would bankrupt him. As the two men eyeball each other Carla arrives and demands to
know what’s going on. Will Peter’s gamble pay off or is he set to lose everything?
HAYLEY BRACES HERSELF FOR THE ULTRASOUND. Sylvia confronts Hayley and asks her why she’s been so jumpy of late. Hayley admits she’s being sent for further tests and she’s worried. With a concerned Sylvia covering for her, Hayley sets off for her ultrasound scan.
EILEEN FORMS AN UNLIKELY ALLIANCE. Paul’s pig-headedness is wearing Eileen down. Mandy’s had enough too and suggests they put their heads together and try to get Paul and Lloyd talking again.
ELSEWHERE Mandy and Jenna argue over Jenna’s wasted career. Audrey’s concerned when she discovers a crack in her living room wall.
Coronation Street, Friday 19th July at 8.30pm
ROB MAKES CARLA BEG TO SAVE PETER’S SKIN. The decision is announced that Rob’s horse is now officially the winner. Rob’s ecstatic whilst the colour drains from Peter’s face. As Rob demands his £35K it becomes clear Peter can’t pay up. Incredulous, Rob threatens to sue as Carla is forced to beg him not to involve the law. Will Rob comply? Meanwhile when Deirdre finds Rob and Tracy rowing over him gambling with their joint money, will she discover where Tracy got her half of the cash?
HAYLEY BRAVES THE HOSPITAL ALONE. After the scan, the sonographer’s evasive and tells Hayley her doctor will be in touch. Calling at the medical centre Hayley finds out she has a blockage in her bile duct. As she demands the doctor tell her what that could mean, will Hayley’s worst fears be realised?
PAUL AND LLOYD FORGE A TENTATIVE TRUCE. Under pressure from Eileen and Mandy, Paul begrudgingly apologises to Lloyd who reluctantly accepts his apology.
ELSEWHERE When Audrey concedes that the salon flat could do with a makeover, Maria’s embarrassed as Marcus instantly comes up with a list of all that needs doing.
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So more smug Rob and sneering faced Tracy. Just brilliant. Its characters like them that just make me want to turn off, so bloody fed up with Tracy. And to top it off Kate Ford cannot act, why the hell does she keep getting kept on?
Is Peter Barlow the worst bookie ever?
I'm no gambler, but even I know that no bookie worthy of the name would ever accept £500 on an accumulator that if paid out would bankrupt the business. Certainly not without laying parts of the bet off with other bookies to mitigate any potential loss - which it seems Peter doesn't even do.
Frankly, if he's that stupid it's no wonder his bookies' business is in trouble.
Peter's had a personality transplant. They're trying to say that Peter has switched his addiction to gambling, but he wouldn't do it on his own doorstep. Of all the problems that Peter has had, his business sense wasn't one of them. If he really wanted to gamble, he'd go to the races. Agree with Billy Niblick, Peter would have offset the bet with other bookies. It's a clunky plot device to get Rob and Tracy in the shop. Can only hope they are due a spell in prison at the end of this storyline. Can't Peter grass them up to the authorities and reveal their criminal backgrounds?
Rob and Tracy cannot open a pawn shop. They both have criminal records so the storyline is just dumb, but the acting all around Peter/Carla/Tracy/Rob was spot on.
The scene with Peter and Carla on the phone to each other when they're only a few feet away was sweet.
I don't think Rob can sue Peter for his winnings anyway.
If this is the end of Peter and the bookies, I'd like to see him train to be a drugs and alcohol counsellor. He'd be comfortable with Carla being the main breadwinner if he was pursuing a true vocation.
I have to say I enjoyed seeing the smug look wiped off Peter's face. I think that Carla and Peter are the worst Corrie couple ever.
I am a minority I know....but I like Tracy and I want to see something good happen for both her and Rob. :-)
Hayley is such a classic character and it pains me to think of her leaving under permanent and deadly circumstances. It's like pulling off a nasty Band-Aid - I want it all to just happen fast and be over with. So sad.
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