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Saturday 27 July 2013

"I don't want to go . . ."

Just one line uttered by Hayley last night probably caused a collective gulp across the nation. After the bluster of chocolate on the Red Rec and champagne at the Bistro, Hayley finally voiced her fears. For viewers, the long goodbye begins and if the last few episodes are anything to go by, it's going to be handled well. An emotional few months are ahead for the Corrie writing team and the excellent Julie Hesmondhalgh as they bring Hayley's story to a close.

Portraying illness on a drama series always calls for a studied approach. Most soaps seem to get it right and many will remember the way in which Alma Halliwell's story was handled over a decade ago. In the hands of an actress like Amanda Barrie, this was always going to provide the right balance between sadness, anger and resignation. It feels like it will be much the same for Hayley, with Julie taking us all on a roller coaster ride of emotions. Also important are the reaction of those around her and already we are seeing Roy and Sylvia providing fierce protection. We can expect this kind of level-headed but caring approach from the likes of Fiz and Carla too.

Not everyone can deal with illness and last night we witnessed the crass mutterings of Beth and well-meant but useless gibbering from Rita, Emily and Norris. It's a natural reaction to reach for inanity when we don't really know what else to say.

Hayley doesn't want to go, we don't want her to go but go she must. Her swansong is essential viewing for the rest of the year. It's going to be a red-eyed, snotty-nosed winter for the viewer so with a bumper supply of teabags and Kleenex at the ready, we raise a toast to Julie Hesmondhalgh and the Corrie team.


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Unknown said...

too true. Anyone who's been touched by cancer ~ will feel the pain of all involved in this storyline.
double Gulp!
Hope there will be some serious comic-relief storylines about to lighten things up a bit.
C'est la vie!

Joseph said...

That end scene last night I think is one of the best I've seen on Corrie and I've been watching for 10 years.

Corrie's been good lately but the writing drastically improves whenever Roy, Hayley, and Sylvia are onscreen. The portrayers are three of the best actors on this soap and are more than qualified to handle this.

The one thing I want out of this storyline is more of scenes with just Roy and Hayley. Maybe a two-hander or something where they're looking back on all the good times they've shared and basically just saying goodbye. Maybe someone should pitch that to the writing team because I really want that to happen now.

Anonymous said...

Not sure I can stay with this to the end, far too close to home for me but the level of acting is spell binding, particularly when you contrast it with the dreadful Rob, Mandy and Jenna. I would add the nodding Paul but mercifully he is going anyway.

Anonymous said...

Hits very close to home for me and I know many others. I was diagnosed Stage 4 in the spring, and watch Hayley's story unfold as mine does. Glued to the TV whenever she's on the screen. I think Corrie is handling the story line exceptionally well and true to life, which is the real reason we all watch Corrie isn't it?

Mrs Barton said...

I'm in absolute bits already..... heartbreakig

NZ Coro Junkie said...

It would be wonderful if the Powers that Be could persuade Katherine Kelly to return for a period.

Becky should spend time with Hayley before she goes. .

Anonymous said...

NZ...what a great idea!

I also wonder whether there will be any chance of a reconciliation with her son, who may have matured a bit by now.

Anonymous said...

That Sylvia is fabulous..I want to cry every time she opens her mouth..the things she says to Roy..keeping him balanced. And Haley..I don't think I'm going to last..was tearing up almost the whole time last night.

Jane said...

Her diagnosis was aired on the anniversary of a family members passing with pancreatic cancer. Hayley, Roy and Sylvia are the only actors strong enough to give this storyline justice. On saying that I wish Julie H wasn't leaving, the three of them work so well together. It will be interesting to see Roy's journey afterwards while he attempts to rebuild his life.

Anonymous said...

I know that many have left comments on this blog indicating we've been craving some serious drama but at the expense of our Hayley is heart breaking. At least Julie will be given the chance to show us her best before she leaves the Street. After all, she's been in the background for too long.

Unknown said...

Oh NZ Coro Junkie... I agree, YES!! Bring Becky back for a last tarrah to Hailey. PLEASE... (Mr. Selfridge can live without her for a day or two of shooting Corrie)

Anonymous said...

This story, and the way it has been portrayed by all involved, is absolutely incredible. I am completely blown away! Sylvia, Roy and Hayley are the best characters and actors on the show by a mile.

Anonymous said...

I agree Anon 14:44, which is why I almost think it would be better if Becky *didn't* come back, which would disrupt the chemistry that is developing between Sylvia, Roy, and Hayley. Maybe Becky could get back "too late" and help Roy through the transition :/

Anonymous said...

Completely agree with Anon 18:12.

Anonymous said...

Roy's clumsy attempts at finding information to beat the disease were almost comic, yet also pathetic and heartbreaking at the same time. If it continues like this, the terrific trio are going to make us laugh, cry, angry, sad…..I can’t wait to see it all unfold and yet I don’t want to watch.

Why oh why oh why were these actors not far more prominent in the lost Collinson years?

Newfy Pearl said...

I really enjoyed Roy's reaction to Tracey's words. To me it seemed very raw and very real. It was leaps and bounds above the writing of Tyrone forgiving a nasty Sally who had betrayed her friend when he was set up by Kirstie. What a chucklehead he was! She was not even sorry...yet all was forgiven as if of no consequence.

ChiaGwen said...

I cheered when Roy tore into Tracy and dismissed her attempt at sympathy, giving Rob an earful of what Tracy is really like. Brilliant acting from Sylvia, Roy and with just enough humor to kind of offset the sadness.


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