Oh dear, looks like those nice people at Ofcom are working overtime at the minute as Corrie fans write in to complain.
This time, there have been over 350 complaints received about Geoff and the chicken from the episode that aired on Friday 2 March.
An Ofcom spokesperson said, “We are assessing the complaints against our broadcasting rules, but are yet to decide whether or not to investigate.”
Well, I loved it. See: Why Geoff and the chicken is Coronation Street gold
Glenda Young
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I can't comment on the horror of seeing Geoff strangle Charlotte, then pluck and disembowel her because I only had half an eye on the screen, standing by the door. But that's the point, I could imagine it without seeing it even if it didn't happen. I can only hope that the action cut from Geoff picking Charlotte up and then serving her up. It was brilliantly performed by the actors and we know this kind of mental torture happens. The question for me is whether we needed the prolonged conversation at the table about the bird's tenderness. Great scene but does it belong in a soap? I felt it would have been more at home in a film where the public would know what kind of nastiness would be on the screen. As for loving it, I didn't. Geoff isn't a pantomime villain or even a theatrical one. He's playing it low-key and for real. He's not a villain you love to hate (not me, anyway) like Phelan was or even Tracy.
Geoff's character is a strange one in a soap. Despicable without any redeeming qualities. I haven't bought his so-called vulnerability which we read about in interviews. Perhaps the writing hasn't shown us that side of his personality. At one time, he seemed a reasonable kind of guy, chiding Yasmeen for not being nicer to Sally, his daughter-in-law. Putting aside the fact that people like Geoff exist and seeing it only from a dramatic point of view, there is a problem with his character. His descent into evilness has been quick and it's still unclear where it comes from.
Honestly, do these people not have something better to do? There was no onscreen violence. There was no blood. It was psychologically upsetting, yes, but that's all. I wonder how these people would've reacted to Alan Bradley trying to suffocate Rita with a cushion. They'd have probably fainted.
Like when poor Maxine was blugeoned to death by Richard Hillman. That was horrifying. I think the worst thing about Charlotte is that this storyline represents what some partners are capable of doing to torture their families. I know it's just a soap but for people who have lived through this kind of abuse it can be triggering. I've had to fast forward through these scenes a lot. Perhaps that may be some of the reason for the complaints?
For people who raise chickens for laying with no intention of eating them, this is an outrage. Those animals are like pets, in that they are cared for by the owner. Also, chickens do display personality as other animals in close contact with humans when given a chance. The thought of Geoff killing her and serving her up to Yasmeen is disgusting. For those of you that don't get that, realise that not everyone finds this to be a laughing matter. He might as well have served Cerberus to Evelyn.
Humpty - the reason no one loves to hate Geoff is that he is a one dimensional character with no redeeming qualities. No explanation of his nastiness. He is neither charming or good looking, and he has not done anything of note (even Charlie Stubbs saved Sunita from a burning building). The sooner this guy is gone the better. Writers...give Yasmeen back her spine and let women viewers see how they can handle a little troll like this.
Jeanie (anon):
I found the scene well done and gripping, though in no way humorous. In general I'm enjoying this story line--much more interesting than Bethany smirking and simpering and mincing along for Daniel at the wedding and he licking his lips in response. Yech! How ghastly the two of them are.
I think one of the reasons people are reacting so strongly to the Yasmeen/geoff story is precisely because the situation and the character of Geoff seem so real. Phelan's over the top feats of evil (like John Stape's) were just so impossible that you knew they could never happen in the real world, so you were free to gasp and laugh at the same time. Like when he showed up for his wedding with Eileen with dirt on his shoes and blood! Or him clubbing the wannabe mystery writer Andy over the head with his own laptop.
But, unfortunately, there are a lot of people like Geoff out there (men and women) who get their hooks into a decent person and make their life a hell. And a great number of them do take it to the level of abusing, torturing, and finally killing the family pet.
Jeanie (anon): P.S. I find Geoff actually pretty multi-dimensional. People like him aren't always obviously nasty; that's the point. But you could tell he had a mean streak in him right from the beginning when he played that "joke" on Audrey at the hospital with the song. Then Tim's revealing comment about how he got rid of the family dog. And his "joke" on Brian which was just so nasty. That's how people like him operate--they begin with "jokes" that escalate in cruelty as they get their hooks into someone.
And it won't be so easy for Yasmeen to get away from him, they're married, he has access to her bank accounts and credit cards, her business. Abusers wear you down to the point you have zero self-confidence and they make you believe that you'd never be able to get on without them.
The chicken scene was brilliantly acted....I hate what the character Geoff is doing to Yaz, but it does happen. Phelan made Andy murder another person and turn the gun on himself....were there complaints. It's fiction people, no chickens were actually killed in the filming!
My exhusband took my kittens and rather than find them a home, took them out "skeet shooting" tossing them up in the air and shooting them. I was sickened as Yaz was in the scene about Charlotte. There are lousy people and I guess the character of Geoff is one of them, it's dark, but so is Corrie lately.
Let's see a little laughter Corrie...you suck with your darkness
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