THE TRUTH RINGS OUT FOR BETHANY Whilst Sarah does her best to talk some sense into Bethany and get her to accept that Daniel has not moved on from Sinead, Adam goes to try and talk to Daniel who is drinking in the Rovers. He’s stunned though when Daniel tells him he is going to prove he loves Bethany by proposing to her. Before he can stop him Daniel runs outside and, on the street, Daniel shouts up to the salon flat. Bethany and Sarah appear at the open window. Pulling out Sinead’s wedding ring, Daniel gets down on one knee! How will Bethany react?
TYRONE GIVES JADE SOME HOPE Tyrone tells Fiz that at Hope’s insistence, he’s bought a cheap bracelet for Jade for her birthday. In the cafe, Hope presents Jade with a homemade birthday card and the bracelet. When Hope reveals the bracelet was Tyrone’s idea, Jade’s thrilled. Jade calls at the garage and thanks Tyrone for the bracelet. But when he is kind to her she takes it the wrong way and going to the house later she makes a pass at him.
ELSEWHERE Geoff reveals to Tim that he’s got some savings and he’d like to pay for his and Sally’s wedding. A furious Alya shows Geoff another nasty online review about Speed Daal and reckons that Ray is behind it and clearly trying to put them out of business. Maria attends her doctor’s appointment but when she finds out that it’s with Ali, she asks Liz to see if she can change it.
BETHANY CHOOSES HER OWN PATH Bethany realises she needs to leave Weatherfield but will she leave alone.
HAS JADE PUSHED TYRONE AND FIZ TOO FAR? Tyrone catches up with Jade in Victoria Garden and explains in no uncertain terms that he doesn’t love her and he’s happy with Fiz. Fiz appears and threatens to knock her out. Has Jade pushed them too far?
GEOFF IS OUT FOR ALYA Convinced that Ray is trying to sabotage her reputation, Alya resolves to do some digging and find out who wrote the nasty reviews. Covering his panic, Geoff warns her not to poke the bear as she’ll only make matters worse.
ALI SPILLS HIS SECRET In the Rovers, Adam dupes Ali into confessing to his recent fling with Maria. Having assured Ali that his secret is safe with him, Adam heads out grinning to himself.
Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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I don't like the way the writers alternate between treating Jade as a vulnerable young woman with mental health issues one minute, then as an evil psycho the next. I appreciate that soaps need villians, but it isn't really a sympathetic portrayal of mental health.
Also, where's Moira gone?
Yes, Jade is obviously crying out to be part of a family. Scared, unhappy people don't always behave well but Corrie is exploiting this purely for entertainment. It is very bad.
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