Hello and welcome to the first Corrieona episode, i.e. only a 7.30 ep tonight. I wonder what'll happen when the writing catches up with the ongoing situation? Social distancing and self-isolation isn't going to work in a soap where everyone's in the pub/cafe/Bistro/community centre all day long.
Anyway, first out of the traps is the ongoing Ghastly Geoff and yummu Yasmeen storyline. Geoff is over 65; he must be at risk, can't we put him into isolation for, like, the next 5 years? He tells Alya that he can't remember the name of the hotel in Spain that he and Yas have booked for Zeedan's wedding and anyway it was full. And it goes to a different school, you wouldn't know it. He then fakes a heart attack, but the paramedics tell him nothing's wrong. Think of the NHS, you monster! He refuses to go to hospital, which sets Alya's spidey-sense tingling, but she's already lost this battle, Yasmeen announces that they're not going off to sunny Spain.
Meanwhile Alina has a pop at Seb in the cafe as he tells her she should move out of the flat. Emma overhears and tells Seb she's had enough.
And in my current favourite storyline, we're back to Stillwaters, where Ken discovers that the normal cleaner is doing the dog stain with a j-cloth, rather than the professional outside firm steam clean that poor old Ken has paid for. Ken discusses with Norris, who reiterates that Charles is ripping them off left, right and centre, and probably front and backwards as well.
Oh, and Gemma finds out that Aled's hearing aid has arrived but I guess you'll have to wait 'til Wednesday for more on that.
Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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I'm finding it difficult to get into Ken and Stillwater. Is this storyline supposed to be comical, a Weatherfield version of 'Duty Free'? What kind of retirement complex is it? Charles is Chair of the Residents Association but surely there is a warden/manager. I can only think the storyline is a device to get Norris back on to the Street when he and Ken make a run for it. They will both be homeless, having given up their houses. They take a flat together and become 'The Odd Couple'. I hope this is the case as it could be fun. Let's hope the Stillwater storyline ends soon because Toyah's re-entry storyline was to turn up with Peter and it went on for months. And look how well that turned out. As for Claudia and Freda, I don't much mind how the writers tie those loose ends up.
How thoughtful of Gail to have a go at David about Alina in front of the kids.
By the way Rachel what does “And it goes to a different school, you wouldn’t know it.” mean?
Hi Anonymous, it's a joke on people who say they have a (made up) boyfriend or girlfriend, but "he/she goes to a different school, you wouldn't know him/her"
Thanks for explaining Rachel.
Anon 0926: always the way in soaps. Unless talking directly to the children, adults speak as if the children aren't there, or can't hear them!
Is it reasonable to expect Corrie to include covid-19 storyline considering they are at least 6 weeks from filming to showing on air? I think this would be cumbersome and confusing.
I think it was last week, or the week before, when I recall Geoff mentioning using the Happy Birthday song to time how long hands should be washed (sing it 2x). I remember thinking - well, Corrie is really keeping up with current events, an important one at that!
If filming was about 6 weeks previous to that, it was just about when we were hearing about Wuhan, China, then South Korea, and the first mention of Covid spreading beyond Asia. And how to wash your hands properly.
I can't imagine squeezing this in as storyline in such a short period of time. Will be interesting to see how it's all handled.
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