Hi everyone. Apologies for going missing. Life has been complicated and busy.
Imran and Toyah seem not to enjoy matching tastes in cinematic viewing - she likes arty and boring - Imran prefers an intergalactic space battle - or indeed almost anything as he has just reminded himself that he hates running. Craig (who despite having just started his running already seems to be a much smaller version of himself) is not willing to indulge his filmic craving and disappears at speed.
Above are the Roy's friends in the Weatherfield Bat Watchers and they have been bemoaning how at earlier meetings Roy tends to be pretty generous over letting them go with doggy bags of supplies and it ends with the above comment about "Bride of Chucky" which Roy overhears. After more snipes at Nina (with Brian weighing in Roy's side) Roy goes for the take down pointing out that Nina has been exemplary today, contributing excellent ideas and outstanding bat boxes. Roy says that all his life he has been judged as "Outsider, oddball, weirdo - anyone who is different is forced to pay the price - isolation. Assumptions made based on external looks. As they did with Hayley who was a caring, decent human being. Roy will not stand by and allow that same prejudice to be directed at Nina.". As ever calmly done and beautifully delivered. Brian sides with Roy quoting Ernesto Lynch de la Sema (yes I have just been to Cuba on holiday).
A picture is worth a thousand words and Claudia is trying to get Ken to cull his extensive book collection before moving to Still Waters retirement home. Audrey has popped round for a chat and a cup of tea and Ken gleefully abandons the cull to pop the kettle on. Above we can see Claudia's reaction - priceless!
Those who watch will know that the same wrong spelling on one word was used both on the new menu and in the online reviews denigrating Speed Dahl. Now I can spell "paneer" - but I have been struggling to work out how to mis-spell it, if like Geoff you have been working in the restaurant for at least a year. Now we know that Tim never learnt to read or write, so it is a family failing, but given the number of times Geoff has read it getting it wrong seems so unlikely. Panere? Panire?
Sometimes when watching I just think - why can't we have more like this? Audrey and Rita discussing that they have not changed their hairstyles in years and young Jenny smiling broadly and thinking that she cannot remember when they did not have those hairstyles either! Or perhaps Jenny was thinking that Audrey and Rita with a "sombre" (Jenny usefully translates as "two-tone" - which I thought was a combination of ska and punk rock {think "Ghost Town" by The Specials}) would be a sight for sore eyes!
Sometimes the subtitles are like manna from heaven! Ken, bless him, is having a well earned snooze listening to Puccini. Eccles, faithful dog, is asleep on Ken's knee. Tracy comes in and when she says "Dad" there is no response, so fearing the worst she moves to him and puts a hand on his wrist, potentially about to search for a pulse. So who in heavens name is the "Susan" mentioned in the subtitles? Explanations on a postcard please to ITV Studios!
And that wraps it up from me for this week.
Written by: Mark Wadlow & Julie Jones (Monday); Jayne Hollinson & Joe Turner (Wednesday); Ella Greenhill and Ian Kershaw (Friday)
Directed by: David Moor (Monday & Wednesday); Audrey Cooke (Friday)

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License
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