The previews are in for next week’s Coronation Street and Gina goes on a date with Duncan.
Paula assures Sophie that things are looking up now they have found evidence of Duncan’s offshore bank account.
Meanwhile Gina heads out on a date and is shocked to find her date Ian is in fact Duncan. Over dinner, Gina reveals that she’s Sally’s sister and knows exactly who he is. Duncan’s unfazed and tells Gina how he and Sally had an affair and how Sally made him defraud the council.
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Yes and stupid Gina is likely to believe him. Can't stand this character, especially as she has eyes for Tim.
I've found Gina to be a pointless and annoying character for a while, but if she dates Duncan and believes his lies or does end up having an affair with Tim there will be no way back for her in my opinion. After everything Sally has done for her, Gina's plan had better be to win Duncan's trust so that she can gather evidence to help Sally. Anything other than that and she's done for me.
Jeanie: I've grown to like Gina more and more and found she really fits in well on the street. In particular, the relationship she has with Sally really rings true--loving and yet also competitive. Both want to be the one helping the other--the stronger sibling-and neither wants to take assistance. The actors also work really well together and set each other up very nicely as the typical sibling opposites: Gina flamboyant, loud, slightly daring; Sally uptight, snobby, nervous about appearances.
Not fair to blame her for falling for Tim--it's whether she acts on it or not. I'm just HOPING that for once a soap will show an adult behave in a mature, respectful, caring, and self-controlled way and NOT cheat on their sibling's spouse! Please, it can happen, Corrie writers! And because it's almost never done, it would give us a shockingly new story line.
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