Coronation Street producer Kate Oates has confirmed that Steve and Tracy will get back together this Christmas.
Speaking to The Sun Online, Corrie boss Kate Oates rrevealed that Amy won't be happy that her mam and dad are getting back together.
She said: “Amy’s not happy about it, because she knows that they’re both trouble and on a very shallow level she’s used to things being as they are. She gets two birthday presents, two Christmas presents, she gets two sets of Christmas presents as kids of broken homes do.
“I think she’s just worried that it will end in tears. Because she knows that they’re both walking car crashes and everything’s kinda alright and they kinda get on, and I think she’s really afraid of them getting together and then it all imploding so she’s not very happy to start with.”
“I really like Steve and Tracy,” Kate added. “You can see what sort of thing has drawn them back together - they’ve both been around the block so many times the pair of them that actually in a way, maybe they should be brought back together for a while. Whether it will be long-long term, you’ll have to wait and see. Amy’s prophecy may come true.”

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Obviously TPTB do not listen to the fans! Tracy and Steve together again....UGH. It will end the way it always tears and jeers.
Are the writters so lazy right now that all they can do is rehash old story lines?
This will not be a happy union - it never has been in the past
Wait for it. Soap interviews all over the place. 'The fans love Steve and Tracy and really want them back together.' I strongly suspect all the Twitter followers are Corrie employees.
I like their friendship, especially now that Tracey has mellowed. But Tracey’s lobster is Rob. And I can’t believe the writers haven’t reconsidered Steve & Leanne after their surprise comic chemistry
It won't last no matter what at the rate the show pairs and unpairs people but anything that keeps Steve away from Michelle is fine with me. Wish they'd worked it out with Leanne though, maybe she'll be next.
Nooooooooooooo...they should really pair him with Leanne not Tracy.
Boooooooooooo! I agree that Leeanne would have been a much better match.
It's fine - at the rate things are going Steve will hatch a plan to murder Liz, Tracey will be run over and find out she's really Gail's sister and the person who knifed Brian.
I think I may be one of the few who will actually like this storyline. I can see all the comedy it will provide us with for months or hopefully longer!!
Hiss! Haven’t we learned you can’t go home again? Okay, it worked for Ken and Deirdre, but it didn’t work for Liz and Jim, Kevin and Sally, or Nick and Leanne, so why this? The manchild and the most self centered immature woman ever, no thanks. The real shame is no Steve and Leanne, a pair that had potential. And a kid who won’t be speaking his mind for a decade or so.
Steve and Leanne. Wouldn't that be "going home again" though?
If the characters did what they should or learned from their mistakes,the show would be boring and no one would watch. We can all see the car crash coming a mile off and wouldn't that be more interesting and entertaining than Steve and Leanne. BTW - what did Leanne ever do to you that you should wish Steve on her?
NOW, this is believable..
Tracey has had a thing for Steve since she was a teenager, they aren't a surprise to each other, there is nothing that they don't really know about each other. They have Amy in common and it could make for some great comedy in the future.Something that has disappeared from the street in recent months
LOVE this pairing....Bonnie and Clyde make good.
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