Welcome to episode one of this weeks Wednesday double.
Tonight's episode begins with Michelle visiting Robert in hospital. After his recent heroics with the car accident, he's escaped any injury, but will his hospital visit cause any further problems?. After discovering a recent 'lump' Michelle rages at Robert to get 'checked out' and she quickly succumbs a nurse to get tested.
It isn't long before the 'lump' is diagnosed as a tumour. Will this be benign?.
The diagnosis looks a bit bleak...
With Sinead still feeling some guilt about the accident, she seeks solace in her unlikely confidante, Daniel Osbourne. Unfortunately, a cunning Chesney spies their closeness. As Chez connives with keen mixer Tracy, has the devious Barlow hatched a revenge plan for her not so favourite brother?.
More family revelations are rife and could all finally be revealed for the recent Kabin drama?. As a peculiar and weirdly lecherous Colin fawns over Norris, it soon becomes that Mr. Cole has a second blood test at the medical centre. Knowing that Moira and Colin colluded to get Norris's DNA (no me neither), could Colin actually be the son of Norris?. Having sold The Kabin flat back to Rita, I'm unsure how long Colin can keep this facade in place?. Is Norris really his father or is this about money?.
As Gina's money making scheme looks to have come to nothing, Sister Sally's mayoral inauguration begins. As Dev, Yasmeen, Sophie, and Gail celebrate, a photographer quickly arrives, unfortunately followed by some bailiffs. We all know that Gina has a 5K debt guaranteed by the unknowing mayor, a raging Sally threatens murder!. Will the warring sisters recover from this latest betrayal? It was great to see Kev Webster back on the street though and a cheeky reminisce about some classic Corrie.
I was more intrigued however, by Gail Platt announcing she's on Twitter!!
What would Gail RT, favourite or even post?. Follow @CoroStreetBlog on Twitter, we'd love to find out.
Anyway, that's me done. I'm off to the Kabin to collect Roy's missing edition of 'Classic Railways' magazine. The man was steaming!.
I'm back next week. In the meantime, follow my pal @Glenn_Writes as he reviews tonight's 8.30pm episode
Speak then.
I am @rybazoxo
Editor at large @Drunkonmusic2
Your Cobbles Connoisseur

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Hmmm...good review. I didn't actually watch all of it. I skipped throught the Michelle and Robert parts, hated the Moo-ra and Colin scenes as they were totally painful to watch and the overacting unbearable.
Loved the scenes with Sally and Tim, the nice cameo of Tracy. Skimmed through most of the second half too...marvelled at the ability of the actors to perform when they are given such horrible material.
Still hoping that Corrie will redeem itself, but I hear that they are "teasing a dark storyline with Mary Taylor"...so, we'll see..sniff sniff sniff
Totally agree about the Colin and Moira scenes, they were an embarrassment. The Robert and Michelle scenes were well acted. To put the two side by side was a travesty.
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